
What's on your schedule tomorrow? What have you got planed?

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What's on your schedule tomorrow? What have you got planed?




  1. The stupid robins will get me up at 5:15, I will go outside all bleary eyed and pick vegetables. I will greet critters--- hello skunk --hello deer -- hello stupid groundhog (I hate him) --Shut up you stupid birds-- Why is it so noisy so early? By 6:30 I will be in a better mood. Maybe I will process some of this food -- no, I will eat it raw. I have to feed the critters now -- I will throw corn cobs at the deer, they will dodge and pick up the ears, eat them while looking at me. The pain in the butt squirrels are out now -- I hate them -- they need to be fed. If I don't feed these critters they will eat my stuff so my day involves critter maintainance.

  2. It's kids week at the sailing club and I will be up there all week helping out with safety on the water...great fun!

  3. I will wake up around 10:00am because i always stay up late, I then will play with my kids and have breakfast with my wife, after this i will watch CNN and head off to work where it is worse than high school with gossip and wining about how bad management is and how high gas prices our ( both are legit to wine about) I then will some how make it through the day and go home to watch Glenn Beck and check my personal e-mail. Then go to bed and do it all over again, Thanks for asking.

  4. Buying more canned food and not paying my mortgage so I can. I will go to work and worry all day what Russia and the US is going to do.

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