
What's one natural thing that doesn't do any good to the earth?

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  1. Persians , Jews, and flies.

  2. STD's

  3. Weapons of Mass Destruction

  4. Picking just one (1 ) out of the list of villains ( "natural" and "doesn't do any good" ) is hard to answer.

    I could go down the list flood, earthquakes, tornado, or plague take your pick.

    I did not include fire or humans. Fire is useful, and humans have achieved greatness.

  5. Humans.

    The human race exploits the planet, but gives very little back to the ecosystem.

  6. Other than humans and the possibility of being hit by an asteroid or celestial body of the sort, there really isn't anything naturally occuring that is bad for the earth. Everything that is bad for the planet is unatural and created or caused by humans in some way, shape, or form making humans the only natural danger to the planet.

    Not to say that mankind hasn't helped out the planet in some form at some point in time or another, but in generalized terms, the human race as a whole does more harm than good to the planet.

  7. Impact of comet or meteorite.

    volcano eruption.

  8. d**n I was going to say humans too

    but then again, one could consider

    fire? radioactive elements?

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