
What's one thing you can't live without?

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What's one thing you can't live without?




  1. My laptop. i love to surf the web and watch movies on the Internet in listen to music and read the news and answer questions.

  2. Water.

  3. My Friends

  4. MUSiiC <3

  5. Family

  6. My life, and by that I mean like my thoughts, my morals, etc.  

  7. Oxygen.

  8. Water and s*x!!!  :)  (sorry that is two things, but very important.)

  9. music

  10. oxygen first, then water

  11. Food

  12. Music♥

  13. Coke

  14. Music and Youtube lol : )

  15. My dogs which means in about 7 to 8 years ill be dead.

  16. food

    i love food

  17. You.

  18. Water ,oxygen , all created by GOD the one we can't live without

  19. Air, s*x, and food. i know that's three but it's so hard to choose!

  20. Faith and Trust in God.

  21. Rapture!!! :((

  22. money

  23. Oxygen in the air.

  24. WRESTLING!!!!!'

    AND PIZZA!!!



    AND FOOTBALL!!!!!!

  25. Oxygen

  26. My family

  27. water

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