
What's one thing you can't wait to pass on to your child?

by Guest33139  |  earlier

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My daughter was born February 20th of this year, just two days after her late maternal great grandmother's birthday. When I graduated from high school, my parents gave me a beautiful amethyst ring set in an antique silver setting...the same gift my grandmother's parents gave her when she graduated high school. I think it's really special that my daughter and her great grandma share the same birth month...nearly the same birthday...and I can't wait to pass the ring onto my daughter someday. She will never know how proud her great-grandmother would be of her!

What's one thing you can't wait to give your child when he or she is grown?




  1. My mother died three years ago, and I was given a pair of her earrings.  I want to give them to my daughter when she grows up.

  2. I have only one child, so there is not the issue of having to divide stuff up.  I am leaving all my jewelery to my daughter, of course.  But aside from that, the things that are most valuable to me is all my genealogy records / research / documents, etc., and several antique furniture pieces.......some belonged to one of my great grandmothers, and some belonged to one of my great-great-grandmothers.  Also, I have a baby blanket that my mom took me home from the hospital in, and then I took my daughter home from the hospital in the same blanket.  And I have a pair of scottish plaid baby tennis shoes that my grandfather bought for me when I was a baby and could not even walk yet, and my daughter also wore them.  These items I will pass on to my daughter to use with her baby.

  3. I can't wait to pass my Nans cedar chest along to my oldest daughter. It is older then I am. (I am 25) It smells so good and it will always remind me of her. Also, to the baby girl I am pregnant w/now  would say this little silver and blue stoned heart shaped trinket box. My Nan always had it on her dresser for as long as I can remember. when I was little I used to pick it up and look at it every time I'd go into her room.  

  4. I can't WAIT to pass on all of the hot wheels cars that my husband has been collecting for our "son"...(yeah right!).  My husband also has a very cool vintage pez and godzilla collection that he might appreciate someday :)  Boy stuff.

    My barbies, on the other hand....well, we'll have to wait and see if we have a girl next time ;)

  5. My mom gave me her pinky ring from when she was a teenager, its nothing special but I wore it everyday until I got engaged. It finally broke on one side from getting caught on the door one too many times, but in a couple of years I will get it fixed and pass it down to my daughter when she is old enough to take care of it.

  6. Something I want to pass down to my daughter will be my collection of dolls. When I was a little girl, every Christmas my mom and dad would buy me these really expensive collection dolls and I have a total of 5 now. They are really special to me, and I want her to have them whene she gets old enough to know how to handle them correctly.

  7. It is not really a "thing", but it is the love of nature.  My husband and I both absolutely love the outdoors, hiking, camping, nature photogtraphy and we can't wait for our son to grow to love and appreciate it as well.

    BTW, I think it incredibly sweet to pass on the jewerly with the birthstone.  I am taking my 6 month old to see his 93 year old great-grandmother next month, who has never seen her three greatgrandchildren.  I can't wait to see the look on her face.  I am sure it will be similar to the one your great-grandmother has on her face all time looking down on your little one.

  8. I can't wait to pass on my middle name. My mom's middle name is Rose and so is mine. So my next daughters middle name is going to be Rose in hopes that it will become a family name.

  9. Well, we don't really have any family heirloom stuff.  But the things I want most to pass on are things I want to teach him.  My love of reading and books is a big one.  To be a good person, dependable and to look at the bigger picture instead of just concentrating on oneself.  Mainly I want him to be happy.  Whether he is a garbage man or a neurosurgeon, I want him to be happy with his life!

  10. I dont know if this fits, but I want to give me daughter the abilty to break the cycle.  my family is messed up and I want my generation to be the last one that is.  I want her to know that she is a strong woman. that she is loved no matter what, for who she is.  none of the people (not just women) in my family have that.  I want to give that to her because every woman deserves that.  and shouldn't have to search for it, she should have it from day one.  thats what I am going to give her, sense of self, love of self!!!

  11. The love for art,nature,life, The fun of exploration.. family values and morals....Dad is a musician so maybe he will teach our son how to play the guitar mandolin banjo and piano...I hope to pass on to him my sense of humor and good looks lol.......

  12. My family never had anything of value really and anything that was worth keeping got snapped up by my greedy cousins.  I will give my girls whatever I have but it's all from my hard work and not from any family members.

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