
-What's one thing you love & hate about your favorite NHL team?

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-Hate=non-stop talk about rebuilding for all these years, just to not make playoffs for three years.




  1. SJ Sharks.

    Love = Everything about them except 1 thing.

    Hate = The fact that they are in SJ instead of SF.

  2. Canucks Fan (for life baby)

    Love - Luongooooooooo, the fact that we FINALLY have a legitimate goalie.

    Hate - The fact that we haven't done anything to entice him to stay past his 4-year contract.

  3. San Jose Sharks

    Love: When they play a physical brand of hockey. They dominate.

    Hate: After playing a physical brand of hockey and getting a lead, they play a non physical dump the puck game.

    Hopefully this will change under Mclellean....

  4. Pens fan loves the fact our goalie tripped onto the ice during the SCF and still managed to laugh it off, the fans, the talent on the team, the fact that mario owns the team

    hate mellon arena.  sorry pens fans, but i just don't like it.  it's old and it's poorly designed and laid out.  really looking forward to the new arena in a few years.

  5. Washington Capitals

    Love: the miral of the team, and all the energy they put into every game.

    Hate: Bandwagon fans.

    Every since we got ovechkin and each season since then, the verzion center has been getting more filled. with people who have no clue about hockey,or any other name than ovechkin. He is an amazing player, but he isn't the whole team. (Granted sometimes they way he works it seems like he could be) The verzion center was hardly half filled in 03 and now  i don't even know if i can get tickets to any games.

  6. Leafs.

    Love the way they get all these people to give them a BUNCH of money for tickets, etc. so the team can remain at the top of the standings year after year.

    Hate the way they they fail to deliver on the "top of the standings" part. ( You don't think they're just hording all that money, do you?)

  7. I love the fact that the Flyers won the Stanley Cup in consecutive seasons in 1973-74 and 1974-75 and I hate the fact that it's been 32 years since and they ain't got nuttin' to show for it.

  8. fellow note fan

    Love - That we havent spent way too much money on free agents while we are rebuilding, being a "pretender" and are saving that money for when our young guys are actually ready to do well in the league and we can supplement that when the team is ready for a cup run!! (im sick of making the playoffs and losing in the opening round, especially when we were the president cup winner)

    Hate - ABSOLUTELY HATE the fact that Brewer is the captain.  he is supposed to be the leader of the team, the only thing he leads the team in is +/-, and he is leading on the minus side.  EJ needs to be this teams captain.  I also hate that its been 41 years and still no championship  : <

  9. Leafs Fan

    Love- The fans passion and hope for the team

    Hate- We are the worst managed team in sports! And we havent made the playoffs in 3 years!

  10. Islanders

    Love- 4 Stanley Cups

    Hate- It's the only thing they can ever celebrate. Haven't done much in the last 15 years.

  11. love- the fact that we have a very promising young core

    hate- the way we let olie go, i mean he's been our franchise for 17 seasons and to have him leave like that and GMGM not even talk to him really sucks.  And then Huet turns around after we offer exaclty what he said he wanted and signs with chicago

  12. Bruins

    Love - going to the games

    Hate - The fact they haven't won the cup since 72

  13. Devils

    Love- Our arena

    Hate- Lack of heart in playoffs in second round in 06 and 07 and in first round in 08

  14. Canadiens Fan

    Love = our passionate + often French-speaking fans which gives us something unique.

    Hate = the morons who slip "behind the lines" and give the team and city a bad name.

  15. Caps fan

    Love - The fact that we have Ovechkin, Green, and Semin.

    Hate - The fact that after a game, people in DC will be like "oh, did the Wizards play tonight?" while on the Metro, with everyone around them in Caps jerseys.

  16. Detroit Red Wings!

    Love: Nick Lidstrom and the fact we are always good.

    Hate: Someday Lidstrom's going to retire, and he's of a calibre where he'll be virtually impossible to replace. For the very few out there who don't understand the hype, watch Detroit sink when he's gone.

  17. ottawa


    ca$h line (spezza, alfredsson heatley, all in top 15)

    okay d now (chris phillips, jason smith, brian lee and anton volchenkov)

    other promising forwards (vermette, neil, winchester, fisher)


    emery used to be the main problem now gone

    needs better goalies

    still needs more defensive forwards

  18. Devils Fan

    Love-Playoffs for 15 years

    Hate- Brodeur needs to go.

  19. Red Wings

    Love:  Fanbase

    Hate:  Fanbase

    Real Red Wings fans know the "Dead Wings" era.  Some may not have been old enough to have been there, but they understand how poorly the team played before the Illich era.  

    I hate Red Wings fans who think the sun rises and sets with the team.  I hate that fans just assume we will win.  We are spoiled, but we are by no means invincible.  We choke a lot.  For every Cup, there were three first round exits. . . It's a sad thing that we don't get sold-out crowds during the season any more because we don't feel it's important any more.

    I really love the fact that people take paycuts to play for the Wings.  They do not have to be number one in dollars or ice time.  Guys like Lidstrom, Yzerman, Datsyk, etc all have/had opportunities elsewhere.  I love the fact that the Wings no longer "buy" teams.  I am nowhere nearly as proud of the 2002 team as I am the 2008 team.  This team did it with equality in the league.

  20. Ducks fan

       Love = Teemu - Scotty - Getzy.. Love the fact we are no longer "Mighty" or Disney.. Also love we are Anaheim and not LA of Anaheim like the Angels. How gayyy. Love the recent sucess and commitement we have to putting a good team on the ice for years to come.

        Hate = Well I would say Bertuzzi but since he is gone I really don't have much to complain about.  I would say I hate the fact we let Bryz go to Phoenix for nothing. I for one thought he would have been better for the long term than Giggy.. both on the ice and against the cap.

  21. Love- fanbase, there seems ot be genuine sense of comradery

    hate- stupid management up front, players who leave because they get full of themselves (Zubrus? Hello?)

  22. Leafs Fan

    Love-We always believe in our team no matter who we have on our roster an somehow believe that our players will perform at their best and bring us a Stanley Cup each year! Plus, we always fill a significant portion of every NHL arena when on the road.

    Hate - lol, the thing i love. we all seem like a bunch of idiots thinking that each year, our team will win the stanley cup.:P

  23. Love= The Red Wings and the Chemistry they have together. Its very rare that you see a team like a family, and with great leaders and sportsmanship.

    Hate= When they get a bit over confident, they tend to do it a lot, and usually the results are not very good.

  24. Florida Panthers

    Love= That we have a team that is always in a playoff race, and that we have a team period.

    Hate.= That we have yet to get in the playoffs lately and their ticket department are a bunch of idiots.

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