
What's one thing you need in Turkey?

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What's one thing you need in Turkey?




  1. money lime any other place in the world and manhood

  2. tequila (lots of it)

  3. bet its the same joke. greece ???  

  4. A couple of bodyguards ?

    ha ha ha, just kidding.

  5. money

  6. Money? LOL

    When you have that, you can easily get everything else.

  7. hi!!

    turkey is very hot so hat,water...

    and if you going Istanbul,Istanbul has got traffic jam so patience.

    and ceartainly money....

    do you understand me?????

    my english is really bad.

    good luck.......

  8. sun glasses lol I haven't a clue good luck

  9. sun protection cream or a hat (if it is summer)

  10. i think HOT and Dessert when i hear turkey but the also have a Sea and alot of coastal area

    i say dress lite and bring some boots or comfortable shoes and sandals

    dont forget all your toiletry's

  11. Woman - scarf

    Man - $$$$$$$$$

  12. yenni turkish lira

  13. Hunger & big stomach

    Because the food is delicious and you need an empty stomach,to eat as much as you can


  14. Patience [sabır].  


    The only thing you need in Turkey is a good appetite, some strong walking shoes and an adventurous spirit of travel.

    Straddling East and West Turkey stands as testament for the future of world unification. Turkey is also one of the most beautiful, safe, and exciting places in the world to visit. No matter your style or want, you will find it all here.

    Turkey can be crowded and unfamiliar, especially in the busy cities, so sticking with a group is always best. There have been numerous reports of women traveling alone who are constantly harassed. Turkish vendors and sellers will be especially pushy in the marketplace and they often speak a smattering of every language on the planet. Be wary of strangers who befriend you and especially those who offer to take you someplace. Pickpocketing is somewhat of a problem but on the whole Turkey is one of the safest countries to travel in as long as you are aware of your surroundings.

    Most of all... Have fun!

    Check website below for more info on travel to TURKEY!

  16. sunglasses, pepper spray, money, and be street smart. Also carry ID aroundw with you just incase.

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