
What's outside the universe?

by Guest60621  |  earlier

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  1. Astronomy is the study of the universe and everything in it that is knowable to humans by observation and stepwise logic. What you have asked concerns religion which is the holistic study of the knowledge of everything including that knowable and unknowable by humans that has been unveiled by God (The Big Picture).

    This region is called the 3rd Heaven:

    2 Corinthians 12:2-5

    1st Heaven- the atmosphere

    2nd Heaven- the cosmos

  2. Your question violates the various definitions...

    Space is infinite and it goes on and on and on.

    The Universe is everything that is within space.

    So there is "nothing" outside of space...If it is out there, it is part of

    the Universe.

    At the present time, this thing called the Universe can be observed through the best optical telescopes that man has out to distances of 13 Billion light Years in all directions from Earth. (Remember that one Light Year is roughly 6 Trillion Miles,).

    Using our most sophisticated Radio Telescopes, scientists can detect objects in deep space at distances of 40 Billion Light Years in all directions from Earth.

    Those are the limitations of our observation equipment, and not the limits of space. If we had better equipment we might be able to see and detect farther out. If you observe those distance quotes carefully, that is a heck of a long distance away from Earth, and that is not the end of the Universe...

    If you would like a better view of the whole thing, the best one I have come across to get it in your mind rather easily is at:

    Check it out by blowing up all the slides.

    Were you to desire to see pictures of some of the constellations shown on that site, another site I like (for deep space pics) is

    Go there and click on their two image galleries. Some really cool

    pics are there.

    NASA does have some remarkable photos also.      

  3. Small has no inside , Big has no outside.

  4. Nobody knows..

  5. Well, as difficult as it is for me to understand...the universe is ALL, but I'm thinking "if you drew an arial view of it, it must have an outside, but what would be out of that.." but I guess NO ONE can answer that..

    My math teach is very smart..Mister Myamoto, he told me that, when you get towards the edge of the universe, stuff gets further..for example, and this is just his and my theory, if you get towards the edge, 1 mile turns into 10 miles, and when you travel that, everything takes longer..and when you acclompish your 10 miles each time you go along, the miles grow larger and air is a h**l of a lot thinner, and worm holes are found which can lead to other parts of galaxies and so on and so, once you get towards the ever expanding universe, your time will run out, breath will go down and down and down, and eventually, your skin will stretch too much, and 1 centimetre will become a lightyear and time will take it's toll..

    good luck on your own further discovery bro :)!

  6. More universe

  7. To know about this, just observe this pattern of nature:

    A line (1-D) consists of two points (0-D)

    A square (2-D) consists of four lines (1-D)

    A cube (3-D) consists of six squares (2-D)

    A tesseract (4-D) consists of eight cubes (3-D)

    Since we are living in a three dimensional universe, so me must be a part of a four-dimensional space which is impossible to visualise by us as our mind is not developed for such situation.

    But nature has given a clue to us to feel the fourth-dimension. We do not have a control over it just as we have on the other three spatial dimensions, but we feel it partially as "TIME".

    The direction of time is not both sided but one-sided and this is what proves that we are 3-D beings and are a part of 4-D space.

  8. No thing.

  9. Since the Universe is most commonly defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them; anything outside this is everything else that we don't know.

    How to geometrically square a circle.

    The analytical solution to Maxwell's wave equation.

    And many more things besides.


  10. An another universe...


    You have to ask God for this............

  11. Honestly, scientists don't know the answer to this question. They say the universe is "expanding," into what and where we have no idea.

    They don't know for sure obviously, but there are theories you could have talked about rather than being boring.

  12. Parallel universes. (I believe in string theory)

    or a place where there isn't space, nor time. (in case you don't)

    Some people believe that our creator actually resides outside the universe. That's kind of confusing, but I'll give it a thought.


  13. picture your room.

    how big is it?

    (you could give me an answer... just get out a tape measure.)

    how much of your room is outside your room?

    huh?  what?

    that is a stupid question, isn't it?

    how could any of your room be outside of itself?

    the UNI-verse is all that there is, so you ask... What's outside it?


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