
What's "My Chemical Romance International Day"?

by Guest32428  |  earlier

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I want to know it..I'm a very big fan of MCR!!

I'm sorry if my english is not very good..I write from Italy..




  1. It's a day where everyone who's a big fan of MCR is supposed to play their music, wear their clothing, etc. I think it is July 23rd? But I'm not 100% sure of that.

  2. Ye like the others said it where fans do everything realated to MCR!

    Ive heard that its july 23rd because they brought their first album (i brought you my bullets...) out july 23rd 2002.

    Anyway to me every day is like MCR day. lol XD

  3. its a day where you dress in all the mcr clothing that you have and listen to their music and watch their dvds all day long. i am going to hang up flyers for them all over my neighborhood and drive around blasting their music.  its on july 23. dont miss it!!

  4. International My Chemical Romance Day (IMCRD) is on July 23rd. Basically, it's to celebrate MCR. You can listen to their music, wear MCR clothing, make posters, or do anything you want!

    Have Fun!! ♥

  5. That's so cool!!

    My Chem Rocks!!!

  6. its called "International My Chemmical Romance Day" and its pretty much a day to just celebrate your love and obbsession with MCR!

    and yes, it is on July 23rd!!! day before my b-day! :)

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