
What's "haram"? Non-Muslims welcome too?

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I'm not a Muslim, and don't know what haram is. Is it meant to sound like harm? What exactly is it? Non Muslims can answer too if they know what it is. BE POLITE!!!




  1. Haram means forbidden, not suitable, harmful to you. So anything that is Haram we are not permitted. Example pork is Haram, smoking is Haram, Tattoo's are Haram.

    The opposite is Halal means permissible, aloud, good for you. Halal things fruit, vegetables many things are halal its not just foods but behaviors etc too.

    Yes I am a muslim and thank you for your question.

    Peace to you...

  2. It mean sin i think

  3. Things that are Islamically forbidden..i.e. pork, premarital s*x, alcohol, etc, etc, etc..

  4. Haram is the equivalent of Blasphemy in the Christian religion.

    If a woman refuses to cover her heard... thats Haram

    if a man engages in homosexual acts.. thats Haram

    you get the point?

  5. Haram is something that is forbidden by Allah, like eating pork, drinking alcohol, gambling.

    The opposite is halal, which means good. If you see 'Halal meat' it means meat that is slaughtered in the Islamic way

  6. Haram is a no-no

    Halal is a-ok!

  7. The Arabic language has two separate words, حرم ḥaram and حرام ḥarām, both derived from the same triliteral Semitic root Ḥ-R-M. Both of these words can mean "forbidden" and/or "sacred" in a general way, but each has also developed some specialized meanings. A third related word derived from the same root, حريم ḥarīm, most directly corresponds to English "harem". This article covers the word ḥaram (with short vowels in the singular form). For the Arabic word meaning "legally forbidden by Islamic law", see haraam.

  8. Hi

    Haram, is an Arabic word for forbidden, or not permissible, according to the Isalmic teaching

  9. haram is an Arabic word and it refers to something that is forbidden in Islam.

    For example alcohol is haram in Islam.

  10. Halal = permitted

    Haram = forbidden

  11. no it doesn't sound like harm

    haram is things muslims are prohibited to do (islam draws a clear line between good and bad and what is allowed and not allowed for the well-being of the people)

    eg: pork is haram for muslims,

    if an animal (cow,goat etc.) is not slaughtered the right way then the meat of it becomes haram to eat (pork is completely prohibited no matter how properly u slaughter it),

    alcohol is prohibited(haram)

    there r many other things haram to muslims( not just in the food category! )

  12. well, it refers to the things that are forbidden and we make a sin if we do it! for examo\ple eating a pig's meat is haram and God does not let us do it, and it was recently found by scientists that eating a pig meat is dangerous for the health. most of islam's rules are for our health and are to make us happy in this world and hereafter!

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