
What's really going in Iraq? and why don't we (USA) get to know about it?

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You need t find an Independant source like this...

plus...ever heard this story?

or this?

and this?

it goes on-

you don't hear ANY of this kind of story on American news. Why? are we to dam good to be bothered with the war WE started?

better pay attention "my friends" (as Rush would say...)(although he won't bring you these stories...)





  1. Apparently, you don't watch the news much. These stories were broadcast all over the place - on the television, radio, and in newsprint.

    What you won't see are news reports on progress, contrary to negative stories like these.

    The media in America decided that since changes in Iraq were actually happening to the positive, they must invest in something new to create news with -  which is what they do - hence the fears of 'recession' bubbling back to the top of the pot.

  2. I heard of all these things in the mainstream media, except for the third story. And I don't think I've ever admired British soldiers more than after reading it.

  3. We will never know as our goverment is not going to tell us the full truth

  4. If you want a more neutral news source, try the BBC. No it's not perfect, but it's better than the highly filtered and propaganda machines that are the big US media and news outlets.

    Why? Because the media has been showing us what the world looks like through their magic glasses since day one. As long as there are monetary, social and political motives behind current events, we will always be fed the stories they want us to hear, the way they want us to hear them.

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