
What's really like live in Dublin???

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I've been invited to spend some months living in Dublin and I would like to know if is easy to find a job (I'm spanish and i speak english a bit), and if is too expensive to live there.

thanks a lot.




  1. I dont live there but been over for short breaks a few times. It is a bit expensive as all major cities, but the people are the best, I love the Irish, the accent is so s**y.

    I can imagine there is plenty of bar work as Temple Bar is full of overseas bar tenders.

    Take the opportunity as if I was without kids and had the opportunity to do so, I would without regret!

    It will be a life experience - good luck and enjoy it.

  2. in Dublin Ohio you need to be rich,the other Dublin you need to a normal person

  3. If you have accommodation you can probably live their cheaply enough by not eating out etc.

    Job wise - it's coming into the busy tourist season and with your Spanish you could find a decent job as a tour guide in any of the tourist spots or tours.

    It's a nice city most of the time!  Weekends are a bit crazy though so spend those visiting other parts of Ireland!

    Good Luck!

  4. Like all capitol cities the cost of living is expensive. Re work, job prospects vary according to what you are looking for. You can search for jobs online (a job agency search in google) As its a few months you are not too tied and reckon you should go for it. You have the added reasurance of going along with a friend and it your time is anything like mine you will have the time of your life :). Go for it. P.S and from what you have written your English seems pretty good to me!.

  5. It is very expensive. Jobs are quite easy to come by but you need to be proficient in english. Get as much practice as you can and you should get work in a cafe or a pub.

  6. I wouldn't recommend it, its become a very dirty overpriced, over crowded and the traffic is terrible, there are far nicer places in Ireland...

  7. Hi this link might help

  8. No better person to ask than me.. I am a Dubliner and Live and work in Dublin City though that's only during the week, I tend to get out of it to my house in the country as its a mad place at the weekends.

    As for jobs you won't have a prb getting one as long as you can speak basic English, though improving it as you go will help.

    As for the cost of living, it is expensive and renting is expensive also.

    You'll need a lot of Euros in your pocket before you even contemplate coming here. I have to say its a great place to live if you want to experience something new, the nightlife is great and the shopping, and I have to say we are a friendly people, so you would make friends easily...

    If you already have a place to stay, I suggest you go for it, you'd find you'll get a job within 2 weeks...

    good luck!

    Cead mile a failte...

  9. It's very expensive to live here. Without fluent English, the only job you are likely to get will be at the minimum wage rate.

    It's easy to find a job, not so easy to find a well paying one without good English and practically impossible to find habitable accommodation at a reasonable cost. You would probably end up sharing a small apartment with 3 or 4 others.

    That said, it's a great place to live.

  10. Dublin is horendously expensive to live in!

  11. well just come along its nice and easy to find a job in here but if you have the experience only

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