
What's renewable energy?

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What's renewable energy?




  1. Renewable energy effectively utilizes natural resources such as sunlight, wind, tides and geothermal heat, which are naturally replenished. Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, and hydroelectricity to biomass and bio fuels for transportation. About 13 percent of primary energy comes from renewables, with most of this coming from traditional biomass like wood-burning.

  2. Energy that can be renewed in a human timespan.  Everything else is non renewable.

    Some examples are solar and ethanol.

  3. Some resources that we use to produce energy--like coal, oil, and natural gas--can only be sued once. Once you burn a gallon of oil to get the enrgy, it's gone.  And it takes millions of years for more to form (if it does in the future).

    But enrgy can be produced in other ways as well.  A hydro-electric dam will continue to produce electricity as long as the natural resource (the river) continues to flow.  So that's a type of energy source that could last for millions of years--it's a "constant source."  Solar and wind enrgy fall into this category as well.  

    These (wind, solar, water) are usually considered "renewable," though technically, they really self-sustaining sources o fenrgy that we simply have to collect ain order to use it.

    Strictly speaking, though, "renewableenergy" is something you can reproduce by using technology, manufacturing,e tc.  For example, "biofuels" --biodeisal, ethanol, etc. are ture renewable energy sources.  When these are burned as fuel, they are used up.  But we can produce more ("renew") simply by growing more of the plants from which the ethanol, biodeisal, or whatever was made from.  BTW--you coud also look at these as a from of solar enrgy-since the enrgy released was originally stored by the crops from which the bio-fuel was made.

    Hope that helps.

  4. energy that can be reused maybe like how plants reuse energy to stay alive basically

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