
What's required to be on a swim team?

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I really want to try out for my local swim team, but I have never been on one. I have taken swim lessons and I know i'm pretty good, but I haven't trained or anything really serious. Also, I'm 16 and I weigh 160 lbs. Should I wait for a year so I can lose some weight??




  1. No don't wait. Swimming will actually help you lose weight very quickly. I say go for it!

  2. i know some bigger swimmers that are also very fast. in time, you will lose weight- especially if you run or bike in addition to swimming.

  3. no doesnt matter what weight. theres no requierments.  just a general knowledge of the 4 strokes  fly back free breast. if you can do those good you are fine.

    if you havent heard of them id suggest you get in a pool and try them out a little but you should be fine if you took lessons

  4. No, just go ahead and try out.  

  5. In order to be on a swim-team, you need to have some experience swimming : ) obviously. It seems that you do, and thats a good thing. I think that your pretty confident, something you need if your going to be competing. You should be pretty strong, able to last a while underwater because lifting your head up to breathe can slow you down. You should show up to one of the swim-team practices and meets so you know what to expect. Swimming is a great way to get in shape and build your endurance- weight shouldn't matter.

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