
What's so bad about turtles.?

by Guest60128  |  earlier

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My mom hates them:(

I want one... IT'S ONLY SIX BUCKS!!!!!

Why are turtles so bad that she hates them?




  1. well my mom hates turtles 2 the only reason she let me keep this 1 is cause i bought it and what you should do is help around the house like to the laundry,clean the kitchen do dishes and when she leaves put a turtle poster on the fridge but also clean the house and o yea make sure your in great moods all the time and never back talk i promise you she will let you have the turtle in at lease 2 months

  2. maybe she's scared of them or thinks they are stupid and ugly

  3. well i have a turtle and they dont really do much other than eat and lie out. maybe thats why your mom doesnt like them, cuz theyre kind of boring...

    but their easy to take care of if that's an issue.

  4. turtles carry salmonila(like food poisioning on there shells and body) when I was pregnant my dr. and vet told me to get rid of it, it can make you sick. which is weird because I think back to all the years I handled turtles when I was a kid and never got sick, maybe it is just a certain kind( we had a red eard slider). Maybe your mom is just afraid of them, but if you promise her you will take care of it and she will never have to touch it, maybe she will give in. good luck!

  5. well what did they do to her? in the past mabi3 you should ask her y she is so scared.. lol

  6. idk maby she got atacked by a snapping turtle or she just thinks their ugly

  7. the turtle may be cheap, but you'll have to use a lot more than 6 bucks to set up a nice environment for it.

    turtles aren't really that bad, they're easy to care for, and they're cute.

    you mom might hate them 'cause it costs a lot, they can smell, some might have salmonella, some are ugly.  

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