
What's so bad about wanting to win NOW?

by  |  earlier

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Winning is winning isn't it?




  1. if you win now  you could loose the farm. think about it

  2. Sure is.

  3. Either you win now and risk the future or win later and risk now. Winning can be a *****.

  4. For one thing, you have to WIN....many teams crippled themselves for years (the Angels and the Yankees through the mid to late 80's....the Dodgers in the 90s) because they made desperate, "win now" moves and ended up winning nothing.

    And there are pitfalls even if you DO win...Yes, the Marlins have one two World Series titles....but they then alienated their fanbase by dismantleing the team each have to wonder, if they controlled the spending and maintained a consistently good you think they might have a new stadium by now?  Would that stadium then secure some cash flow to build an even better team?

  5. Winning now is great, but what good is a league pennant if you lose the world series and end up in dead last the next year?

  6. winning is good, as long as your demolish your opponent and make them cry like girls

  7. There's nothing wrong with trying to win right now, but if you don't win today then you're in trouble tomorrow.

  8. Your answer: There's nothing wrong with winning now...unless it's the Yankees. Then it's a sin.

  9. I live in Pittsburgh. What's this winning stuff?

  10. Agreed.

  11. Winning is winning b****

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