
What's so fun about getting drunk?

by  |  earlier

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So like, I just started college and opening weekend I ran into so many people who were so into partying, drinking, and getting drunk, including my roommate.

I ain't here to preach and I ain't lookin' for preachers .I've drank liquor before but never to get drunk. Honest question, to anyone who likes to do it, why?




  1. First of all, I am a firm believer in the fact that no amount of alcohol can make somebody do something that he/she would have never ever done when sober, such as stealing, murdering, cheating etc. Yes, alcohol lowers your inhibitions but it cannot bring out a side of you that isn`t there.

    That said, I don`t drink to get drunk - like you. I do drink, yes, though not everything. I don`t drink for anything else but the taste and some cocktails are veeeeerrrrry tasty. ;)

    If "getting drunk" is your aim when drinking, then you should take a step back and try to find out why you are -actually- getting drunk. As some people on here have tried "feeling more sociable" when drunk is one reason. I still daresay that the people you meet and talk to when drunk are the same you could have met and talked to after just one drink instead of ten.  

  2. I gave it up going on 8 years ago. i use to do it. i went out every weekend.. i loved it  ((but was so sick the next day)) i liked the way it made me feel.. not the after effects tho.. lol.. now i would be tipsey smelling the its not all that hun. its courage liquid thats all.

  3. Increased confidence.

    Lowered inhibitions.

    More desire to interact with / meet new people.

    More desire to try new things.

    Fun body buzz.

  4. i think its a really DUMB thing to do.... getting drunk is stupid.... if you want to meet more people then start a conversation.... dont go get drunk then go get someone knocked up, or get knocked up.... its stupid. both my parents were killed by a drunk driver..... my aunt was a drinker and got cancer from drinking too much, and my grandpa got mugged by a drunk, he was horribly injured too. im not saying that you cant drink at all but if you do only have a cup or two. if your not a fan of any and you want to fit in so you do it anyways then you are just RETARDED!!! but you can also just take tiny sips...... pluss you JUST STARTED college..... um HELLO dont need to s***w up yet you have plenty of years to do that.... but really not now when you just started college..... and the getting drunk part.... i see why ppl get drunk but there are so many other ways to do things that you want to and you dont have to get drunk to do it.  

  5. its a good way to release emotions one and two one night stands yea baby!

  6. to get that loose and relaxed become more have new people

    its great...I love drinking

  7. Did it once. I was so sick and it sucked. Never drank that much again.

    But I do like a glass or two of wine. I like the relaxation it gives me, and the free, buzzing feeling that lessens my inhibitions.  

  8. I'm a mother so I try to keep my drinking limited to a buzz but it is still fun every now and then to "howl a the moon" and get a little crazy. You lose your inhibitions and just act a little more freely (not always a good thing but fun nonetheless)

  9. lol getting hang overs

  10. They do it to delude themselves into a false state of happiness, essentially.

    Why do people do any of the things they do, when you get down to it?

  11. gettin drunk!

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