
What's so great about McCain?

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I just don't understand him. He likes war, thinks that a middle class person makes 5 million dollars a year (they make around 50,000 dollars)... etc. And don't say anything bad about Obama because that is not what I asked.




  1. People like him because he's been around for so long, but I agree with you.

    Like Obama said, it's not that he doesn' t care about the american people, he just doesn't get it.

    Obama/Biden 2008

  2. i am with you. people always wear shirts with peace signs, or pants that say "peace" on the back, or shirts that say "make music, not war", yet they vote for McCain. i mean, what is up with that? You want peace, dont vote for McCain. The guy is really old too, so if he runs for relections, he is going to be too old. Obama is young and sharp, and even though he is not experienced enough, he is what is best for this country, and he is taking that step toward world peace, while McCain is milking it.

  3. What's so great about Obama? His skin color?

  4. Honestly, he is not Obama.


  5. well sorry liberal but to make it short and sweet, he IS what obama ISNT and thats what makes him great.

    he ISNT a liberal


    into confiscatory taxation

    a promoter of unilateral surrender

    ..........all obama signature moves.......

    im sure  you see the piont.  thats what so great about him.

  6. Its difficult to explain it to someone who wouldn't understand the truth if it hit him on the bridge of his nose.

    What difference does it make who the "middle class" is? What should bother your is when a candidate offers you a check to vote for him. McCain has integrity.

  7. He graduated 5th from the bottom of his class at the Naval academy....I think that's the draw for people..and he was a POW-one of 600...

  8. I guess because he fits into the G.I. Joe stereotype.

  9. Because he's not black

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