
What's so great about blowing smoke out of your nose?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my guy "friend" were smoking mj the other day and he did a shot gun and thought it was real cool that I blew the smoke out of my nose. Like he's real chill about everything and he was like "yeeeaahhh, it came out your nose" WTF?

What's so great about it?

I don't appreciate idiots who thinks marijuana is killing me and addictive. STFU you don't know anything.




  1. IDK Why it is so cool. I wasn't aware that it was. I know that when my bf blows smoke out of his nose he makes this really hot face like an angry crazy Ice Cube look and so I like it but idk. lol

  2. It Isn't that great. Atleast I dont think so. But i guess not everyone can do it, so thats why he mentioned it. I know when i did it, my friends were all calling me a pro. but i was just like WTF are you talking about? I'm assuming most girls can't do it. Atleast my girl friends can't...  

  3. marijuana will not kill you and its certainly not addictive but don't do it and drive,  don't know what the big deal is with smoke out of your nose though, maybe he is not experienced and thought it was cool

  4. Clever way to stop the 'lectures'.  Smoking stinks.  That is all there is about that.  Mj is illegal.  Maybe it is time to grow up and leave all that stuff to the kiddies...

  5. yeah i dont understand why people get SO excited about it. all you have to do is actually inhale lol. but you have to admit it does look pretty ******* awesome. like cartoon bulls, when theyre angry, and the smoke goes out of their nose and ears......h**l yeh.

  6. Well I don't know about your friend, but when I'm stoned then I think EVERYTHING is real cool! Maybe that was the reason?

  7. I was gonna say: I thought only dragons did that.

    I don't think doing that or any drugs are cool because if you only saw what goes on inside your body while you're doing that, it wouldn't be so cool.

    I'd stay away from it.

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