
What's so horrible about our current president, Bush?

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Why do so many people dislike him? He's a great person.

Give me 5 good reasons not to like him.

I think he's WAY better than many other presidents we've had, like the horrible Clinton.




  1. Amidst those endless criticisms and heartless ostracies, he did a very good job as President.

  2. The "news" won't tell you what's really going on.

    1. Violated the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal “War of Aggression” against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.

    2. Violated U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

    3. Violated the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.

    4. Violated U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

    5. Violated U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.

    These are indisputable FACTS. These are not opinion pieces. Please do just a little bit of research yourself, there is so much information here on the internet by reputable journalists with sources and proof of their findings.

    It's both sad and frightening that so many people refuse to believe this. The truth is out there and most of the country knows it by now. The fact that people not only let him get away with these crimes, but dispute the absolute truth in them is scary. It's anti-American as it undermines our constitution, our absolute law of the land. This information was compiled by REPUBLICANS and lifelong conservatives as well as Democrats. My grandfather and father didn't fight for their country's freedom for these kind of atrocities to be carried out.

  3. If a man carefully plans and executes the killing of another, we call him a murderer, arrest and try him, then send him off to the nearest death chamber.  But when a national leader fabricates evidence to support the reasons for war thus causing death to thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians, what do we do? We give him 24 hour a day, 7 day a week protection, a stretch limo and a deluxe plane with all the gas he'll ever need, and a house full of history and helpers in the middle of the nation's capitol. We call him "Mr. President."

    As a C-grade student, Bush only got into Yale and Harvard because of his name. He also got out of being drafted to Vietnam by leap-frogging the waiting lists for the National Guard. Even after he got into the National Guard - with the lowest possible score - he went AWOL and still nothing happened.

    Bin Laden still hasn't been captured almost SEVEN YEARS after 9/11.  Shouldn't we be looking for him instead of throwing all kinds of money we don't have into rebuilding Iraq?  And with the increase in oil prices, Iraq has plenty of money (tens of billions annually) to rebuild themselves.  

    Which news people are democratic?  FOX News definitely aren't democrats.  They, under the supervision of Rupert Murdoch, are Corporatists. The New York Times aren't democrats.  They were the one's to first report the Clinton's involvement in the Whitewater Scandal. Can you site a few examples of liberal media instead of just calling the media liberal without any evidence to prove it?  

    The National Debt has gone up by $3.8 trillion (from 5.8 to 9.6 trillion) during the Bush Presidency.  And Republicans had complete control of Congress and the Presidency during this time.  They've have shown no fiscal discipline whatsoever.  They spend like drunken sailors.  

    George Bush started a war for no other reason than to settle a family feud, to wage a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein. Over 3,000 American lives have been lost in a war that has nothing to do with al-Qaida or the loss of nearly 3,000 lives on American soil.

    The war has allowed Bush-puppeteer Cheney to enrich Cheney's former company, Halliburton, through billion-dollar, no-bid contracts to provide gasoline and food to the U.S. forces in Iraq. The contracts may be legitimate, but without the war, there would be no need for them.

    Finally, Oliver Stone has a movie coming out about George Bush entitled "W." on October 17.  We may learn quite a bit about our President that we didn't know before.  

  4. 1)   Voted against civil rights

    2)   Appointed war criminals and racists to his cabinet

    3)   Ended the Reconstruction, sending blacks into poverty for 100 years.

    4)   Signed legislation ensuring blacks remain "second-class citizens"

    5)   "This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government for white men."

    Oh wait, that wasn't George W. Bush, that was Andrew Johnson.  The second-worst president of all time, since everyone knows George W. Bush is the worst president of all time.

    Learn your history people, George W. Bush is a saint compared to some of the bone-heads in the past.  No matter what all the Bush-bashers claim, he will go down in history as a good president.  You would not have all this research in alternative energy if it weren't for the tax breaks to oil companies which make this research possible.  Look how far we have come already with ethanol!

  5. Most of Bush the supporters are too young to remember having a competent President.

    The rest are the ones who fell for the scam that 911 made the world infinitely more complicated than it used to be, which it is not.

    McCain doesn't even like him.

    The Republicans are using Gustav as an excuse to exclude him from the convention. They are sending him to the ranch to keep him out of the way.

    I guess he is not "spunky" enough for the "new" Republican party.

  6. 1. George W. Bush - liar

    2. George W. Bush - hypocrite

    3. George W. Bush - bull-sh-itt-er

    4. George W. Bush - brain dead

    5. George W. Bush - phony

  7. Nothing. I'd rather be voting for him again than voting even for McCain. Most of the reasons they will give you is hype and propaganda. Watch. I bet some won't even be able to refrain from using foul language.

    Wow! I'm really glad there are others who see the truth about the man.

  8. the only thing that Clinton did that was wrong was getting caught getting a bj

    Bush started a war based on lies and has caused tens of thousand to die.

    He has destroyed the economy by making sure that the rich do well and the middle and poor pay the tab.

    ps look at the national debt now and then

  9. Not that I care an iota about Mr bush but anyway: He`s clearly a typical product of america, very supportive of the rich in the U.S apart from that, he`s a a big ignoramus. To me he`s an empty suit, who would not be where he`s today without his family ties/connections.

  10. I agree with you.

    75% of people supported entering Iraq. We found WMDs and links to Al-Qaeda. Go ahead and check my previous history for evidence. I can link you to more if you need thru email.

    Unemployement is lower then the average for the last 40 years.

    After his tax cuts to fix the economy, we had a 3.3% gain last quater.

    Gas prices and oil prices have been steadily dropping the last few months.

    We haven't been attacked by terrorists since Sept. 11, 2001, which was planned on Clinton's watch....

    I could go on.


    Yeah blame Bush for a hurricaine... lol.. he controls the weather now? oh no wait sorry, he is the head of FEMA who is responsible for that.. oh no wait thats not true either... hmmm

  11. Horrible Clinton???   give me a break!   Things was alot better

    under Clinton. Read the history!~

  12. I think he is a great president.

  13. Do you work?

    1. Economy

    2. Mis-handled Iraq war

    3. Most corrupt administration since Nixon ( patriot act, wire tapping, torture, etc )

    4. Gas. In his state of the Union speech he said we need to get away from oil. Yet he hasn't done anything to back it up.

    5. Destroyed our reputation in the world. We lost a lot of leverage and not many people see us in a good light.

    But then again, the 29% of people that support him all coincidentally post on Yahoo.

  14. lol, I know-

    Oil prices



    Crappy economy

    Mortgage crisis

    I don't believe this, I was just seeing if I could answer it with the typical liberal talking points...

    Add: First, as far as Katrina goes, I heard Jimmy Cah-tuh say that George Bush did that with his weather machine. Now if Jimmy says it, with his youthful, rational mind, it's reliable... Secondly, I can name what Bush HAS in fact done-

    He has kept us safe since 9/11. That's so minute though that I can understand why nobody seems grateful or anything... **sarcasm**

    When he entered office, our gas prices were 1/3 of what they cost now... up until the Democrats took over as the majority, we paid maybe $2.00 per gallon. When they took over, our prices shot through the roof and now truckers can't afford to drive their rigs and everything has gone to h**l price wise because if fuel costs go up, our food and goods prices go up.

    In SPITE of 9/11 and Katrina, we are still economically strong.

    I have to say, I am VERY disappointed with his handling the border and illegal immigration. The fact that he gave his pardon to convicted felons yet because his buddies were the ones responsible for their prosecutions, he did not pardon Ramos and Campeon...

    All in all, I am SO thankful that he, not Algore or Kerry have been in office the last 8 years. God only knows how much of our nation would be left if he hadn't been our President.

    Add: The WORST Clinton did was get a bj? How about then he went and murdered innocent CIVILIANS in Serbia to take the heat off of the Monica scandal? What's more, Sudan on numerous occassions came to Clinton and offered him Bin Laden on a silver platter and he refused to capture him... leaving his mess for Bush to clean up... and Clinton was a war monger (that's the phrase isn't it?) and saw the need to invade Iraq-

  15. Katrina

    Tax Cuts for 1% of population

    Iraq war 03-06

    Scooter Libby

    2000 election court descision

    There 5

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