
What's so positive about positive discrimination ?

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What's so positive about positive discrimination ?




  1. If you happen to be White Male and Working Class the odds are stacked against you more than ever, but do you hear of any Labour PC Brigade fighting to redress the balance,,, on the contrary they will go out of their way to make your life even harder.

    Gone are the days when any government of any colour new which side of its bread was buttered.

  2. Its positively diabolical.  ;-)

  3. I'm positive that it positively exists.

  4. Positive discrimination is an oxymoron and in the world before "doublethink" took over in England, would never have been allowed to stand in the same sentence.

    It's just more evidence of the way the English are being dismantled piece by piece. Bombs and bullets couldn't bring us down, so they have turned to a creeping, insidious, cowardly form of genocide that we are unable to fight back against. Even to complain makes us hateful, racist bigots and under the threat of court action, so we must swallow our destruction like a cup of poison and smile and fawn while we drink it. I could spit red hot nails.

  5. Not much, given that it's as alien to a meritocracy as any other form of discrimination...

  6. It's a short term fix to redress a real or perceived representational deficit of a particular group within society in an organisation. The idea is that when say gender/ethnic imbalance is adjusted (due to PD), it would necessarily disappear of it's own accord. It's a blunt instrument at the micro/individual level as it does create impressions of unfairness/preferential  treatment at the expense of possibly better candidates for the job. It's a possible remedy for an unfair/unrepresentative society which is paradoxically unfair in itself. You would view PD as fair/unfair depending probably on whether individually you were preferred/disadvantaged.

  7. It doesnt discriminate

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