
What's so special about Lewis and Clark?

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Why should I care about them?




  1. They were the first ones to explore the territory that was purchased in the Lousisiana Purchase, to the pacific coast and back. Here is a link that tells all about them.

  2. Lewis and Clark was the first American overland expedition to the Pacific coast and back.With that many countries near there helped USA in wars.(d**n them)

  3. They were the first ones to explore the territory that was purchased in the Lousisiana Purchase, to the pacific coast and back. Here is a link that tells all about them.

  4. Lewis and Clark Expedition

    V.   Aftermath and Achievements

    Lewis and Clark received a hero’s welcome when they returned from the expedition, despite some disappointment that they had not found an easy water route to the Pacific. After Lewis’s death in 1809, Clark and American diplomat and financier Nicholas Biddle took over the task of compiling the report. They finally published an abridged, two-volume collection of the journals in 1814. This version left out most of the material the party had compiled about plant and animal life. The most recent scholarly edition of the journals was edited in 11 volumes by historian Gary E. Moulton under the title, The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and published from 1983 to 1997 by the University of Nebraska Press.

    Thomas Jefferson had repeatedly insisted that the Corps of Discovery had one central mission—to find what he called “the most direct and practicable water communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce.” However, Lewis and Clark did not find a Northwest Passage, nor did they pioneer the route that became the Oregon Trail. Although Lewis and Clark strengthened U.S. claims in the West, American claims in subsequent diplomatic disputes with Britain were based not so much on Lewis and Clark as on the Columbia River explorations of American explorer Captain Robert Gray in 1792 and the building of Fort Astoria in 1811. But Jefferson was by no means disappointed with his Corps of Discovery. The journals, maps, plant and animal specimens, and notes on Native American societies amounted to a Western encyclopedia. The expedition also established peaceful contact with many Native American peoples. Finally, the expedition set a pattern for government-sponsored scientific exploration in the United States.

    Is that enough reason to care?  You don't have to care all the work was done for you - they spent years exploring the west - Starting in St Joesph Missouri and ending at the Pacific Ocean = It is a facinating story.

    When befriended by an Indian woman named Sacajewia = she had been captured by another tribe - she was re-united with her brother, while leading the expedition across the northern rocky mountains.

    But, what the heck = why should you want to know that or for that matter any other part of the US history.

    take the time = read your history book - you just might find something that may interest you.

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