
What's so wrong with starting out your career as a community organizer?

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What's so wrong with starting out your career as a community organizer?




  1. Nothing but it would be nice if had something alse in his resume.

    Like work.

  2. Absolutely nothing. The only people that think it is not worthwhile are the stuckup republicans who would rather throw money at a problem and 'hope' it gets fixed...instead of getting their hands dirty to make sure the job gets done.  

  3. Nothing!

  4. for a man of Barack Obama stature you would think he would have had something more substantial...but then again (substantial) is not in

    his resume..

  5. nothing but when you TRY and say it makes you more prepared to be president over being a mayor it is a really retarded comparison..its a good thing to do, shows concern but has 0 to do with being a president!. Presidents role is not to be a humanitarian...ask Jimmy Carter he flat sucked..

  6. Nothing. It shows you have integrity and compassion and care about giving back. Palin was very wrong to criticize that. It will catch up with her.

  7. Nothing, but if thats the ONLY 'accomplishment' that anyone has ever cited that he's done, then america, we have a problem.

  8. Nothing, it is an avenue to create change at the local.  It also allows insight into a group one may not be familiar with.  Community organizing has helped start the movements, like abolition and women's suffrage, that have made this nation great.

  9. If I knew what one was and what exactly they do,  I could answer this question.

    Do they organize community events or something?  Block parties, community yard sales,  fall festivals....

  10. Nothing is wrong with it.  In fact it is quite admirable.  However, the right wing thinks of noone but themselves so that don't grasp the concept.  I find it very interesting that a party that promotes its christian values actually has none!  Obama/Biden '08

  11. What does a community organizer really do?  I've never heard of this job before Obama.

  12. Have you seen the "community" he "organized"?

    The housing has deteriorated to the point it is uninhabitable.

    Photos HERE:

  13. its not that being a community organizer is a bad thing its just that its not leadership experience like he wants to act like it is

  14. Nothing.

    Unless you are a so called "compassionate conservative" .

    Shows how she puts "Country First"'.

  15. Nothing at all.  I found it hilarious that, in a convention that has supposedly been built around the slogan of "Country First" and the repeated theme of serving a larger cause, the idea of giving up a huge salary (Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review and could have commanded, for his very first year out of school, a higher salary than he makes today as a Senator) to help others less fortunate is treated as bizarre or absurd.  For Republicans, it seems that public service isn't a real service unless you're carrying a gun.

  16. Nothing.  For the right to focus in on such a lame talking point, especially since he hasn't been a community organizer for 15 years, is very telling.  If they had a stronger point to hammer on they would.

  17. The community organizer attack is a response to his attack on her service as mayor

  18. There's nothing "wrong" with it, but it's just a job that people hold when they're shills for the local party machine, like Barack Obama was. Community organizers help organize strikes, protests, rallies, stuff like that.  

  19. Nothing.  Obama has refuted Palin's ludicrous and elitist statements.  he is obviously more in touch with the common people and isn't afraid to dig into the real issues plaguing people.  And plus...Republicans act like he was a community organizer right before his run for presidency...he had the job for 3 yrs and it was right after college! - read this.  He had the job in the freakin' 80's.

    I also love the comments abt how being a CEO is better than a community organizer...1st, thats like comparing apples to oranges.  2nd - How can you say you want someone down to earth and for the middle class and then not appreciate when someone has given back to the community!  Serving in the army is not th eonly kind of service one can do for his/her country!!!

  20. NOTHING is wrong with that. I admire someone who has a law degree from a prestigious university and as opposed to only looking out for himself, he helps the helpless. To me this is someone who is TRULY concerned about the PEOPLE and shows character. I'd love to have someone in office that empathizes with the plight of the AVERAGE person (all of us making less than $5 million according to McLame), as opposed to someone who doesn't give a rats azzzz & is more concerned with financial wealth of theirself, family & friends. A person with first hand knowledge doesn't have to guess they know.

    I hate that the Republican party is trying to minimize the significance of this, but they also do not acknowledge the accomplishments of MLK, Malcom X, Ghandi, Mandela, etc, all whom of which "organized" their communities. People are so narrow minded and think of communities in a smaller sense when the term can actually be associated with something on a large scale as well. It's an interchangeable word.

    EVERYONE knows he's done more than that but the Repubs have to focus on minor things. The same minor things they've been focusing on FOREVER, if they so darn smart come up with something new.  

  21. The problem with Obama is that he can not pin point actually who he has assisted through his community organizations.  If you investigate the areas that he says he volunteered, the Chicago schools are collapsing, the housing units where he worked are boarded up and abandoned!

    So, reality check is that he worked to puff up his resume' and did absolutely nothing to assist the poor.

    Mother Teresa, Obama is not.  Just the Facts.

  22. nothing...but it similar to starting out at McDonald's as a burger flipper and in 5 years being the CEO of the entire not enough experience to give that much responsibility to him...

  23. Nothing is wrong with it. But when you raise up to another position to been in power you need to remember where you came from. He basically vote present 132 times, not yes or no. When he got to Washington did he do anything for the same community? No he just started to run for president.

    Did he get behind causes? Did he suggest people need to mentor the youth? Did he call for anything to help out those trying to keep up with the bills.  

  24. "Community organizer" is the new "Welfare Queen" - it's republican code for black.

  25. Nothing, if you actually build a career after that.

  26. There is nothing wrong with being a community organizer (I still don't know what they do) if that is your passion and you are genuinely doing it to help the community. On the other hand, if you're doing so it looks good on your application to Harvard, well that's just disingenuous.

  27. "MS13" is a group of "community organizers too, go figure

  28. nothing, obama could of worked on wall street but when he heard the steel plants closed down he wanted to help the people in chicago... people shouldnt forget that obama was a harvard graduate in the top 10 of his class and on top of the harvard law review...

  29. Nothing, but when your resume isn't much more deep that that, it's a problem.  

  30. I was a community organizer for an organzation very like ACORN.

    We were a joke. A disgrace. We went door to door in poor neighborhoods and asked people to give us money. The money was supposed to fund community improvement. It didn't. It barely paid our salaries.

    Then we would go out and drink and rant against The Man and whine about how humiliating it was to go door to door with clipboards, asking complete strangers, poor people, for money.

    I'm not making this up. I did it for a few months, and quit out of disgust.

    The attrition rate was about 90%. That is, at the end of any given week, about 90% of the community organizers would quit.

    Ask someone who has done this work for agencies like ACORN. Pin them down. Ask them *exactly* what they did.  

  31. Nothing, unless you are using it as executive experience, he also say's running his campaign is executive experience, IF he did run his campaign, then he is responsible for it being in debt!!!

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