
What's some cat body language?

by Guest60127  |  earlier

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I know blinking means affection, yawning is friendly, squinting is friendly, staring is aggressive, and hissing is aggressive...




  1. Rubbing against you is marking their territory and releasing calming hormones on to you or sometimes furniture.  

  2. Think of your cat's ears as eyebrows.  When they're back, it's annoyed or angry, when they're forward and intent, they are happy or focused.  Cats sometimes twitch their tails to show that they are annoyed, or confused.  I've had so many cats at this point that I just know what they're feeling or thinking all the time.  Is your cat doing something specific that you want to know about?

  3. My cat pretends to suckle from my tummy, she kinda chews on my t-shirt and does the massaging thing with her paws. Its so cute, I think it means she thinks I'm her mommy.  

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