
What's something good to drink/eat to soothe a sore throat?

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What's something good to drink/eat to soothe a sore throat?




  1. Warm broth, warm lemon/honey water, gargling with salt water, hot chocolate, hot tea.

  2. gargle salt water

    (water as hot as you can stand it -enough water for 2 gargles- add to it a good amount of salt to where it tastes good and salty)

    a drink : warm tea with honey and a tad of lemon

  3. Chicken soup, ice cream, basically something hot or cold are  traditional answers.  I take the supplement Airborne.  I like the gummies, and pop one in whenever my throat starts to feel sore.  It really helps me recover faster and reduces symptoms.  Colds used to put me out of commission for a month before I started taking them, now I can be functional for all but a few days, and sometimes avoid colds altogether.  I actually take them daily whether I'm sick or not.

  4. Soup is usually the winner, but hot tea with lemon and honey works wonders as well.

  5. I find soup a good thing to drink or a hot bath. Don't drink the bath though.

  6. Gargling with salt water, as often as you are aware of it, if you are salt sensitive, a few drops of Iodine in water will do it. . Honey is also good, especially at night before bed time. Have a teaspoon  or so, hopefully you will be able to sleep. If it is not better in day or two you should be seeing an MD, for it may be more serious, and may need an anti biotic.

      Get well soon.

  7. Really helpful and even recommended by doctors is to drink hot milk with honey.

  8. warm soup is really good and lemon and honey tea is a great remedy for it. the honey will soothe the soarness.

  9. Squeze a lemon or lime into a warm water and add some salt and drink it warm.  This always help to soothe a sore throat.

  10. soup

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