
What's something that only a poet would know about?

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Just curious as to what sets poets apart...




  1. Well liek i think poets are prolly the nooby chars that stay in general chat and just type random stuff to anoy people that are like using general chat to do more than flood it. But like maybe there is a use for those  noob chars cuz i guess with them there they are paying the fees so that pros can get updates to make the actual game content good.

  2. Iambic pentameter.

  3. when you have a definition of poetry then you can be more specific. but otherwise, a poet is someone who makes poetry, like an artist is someone who makes art, or a musician is someone who makes music. so the answer should be that only  a poet knows how to make poetry.

    as to what a poetic vision may be, many like to think that is is romantic and glosses over the reality of a situation,  but then again many poets have written about serious subjects in honest ways--the greats, like milton, virgil, shakespeare for example.

    but maybe the poet is someone who simply makes a kind of music with words.

  4. Self awareness, no I don't know.

    Different types of people are poets, smart, unintelligent, emotional, stoic. I don't think there is really anything that sets poets apart from others necessarily.

  5. Poets speak the language of the heart.

  6. what their poems mean.

    a lot of people try to interpret it; but only the writer its true meaning. all the readers can do is to feel how the poem relates to themselves.

  7. Their own private symbolism in their poems. No one may ever know the TRUE meaning behind their words.

  8. Crying on the toilet.  Bidding farewell to a t**d, as he flushes.

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