
What's something that you see everyday that best represents who you are as a person?

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It can't be a person though. It has to be a singular thing. Anything that helped make you who you are today or taught you a lesson.




  1. A juke box.  Always making people happy, not caring what they look like or who they are.  Always being heard, and the money isn't bad either.

  2. Tool

  3. nothing

  4. Weeds.

  5. Some ideas: family photo?  favorite CD or book?

  6. My Cat.

    He taught me that the only things that matter are food, attention and sleep.

  7. Books. All of them taught me something, and somehow made me how I am. It may sounds nerdy but it's true.

    One of those who influenced me a lot was Illusion by Richard Bach. But there are tons of other titles I could give. It's just the one I can think of right now.  

  8. my backpack.  it reminds me to get my homework done and get through school so my family will have a better life than i did as a child.

  9. A picture of my Father, I miss him  

  10. The clouds. I find them inspirational and uplifting.

    Remember when you were a little kid and you would look up at the clouds in the sky as the sunlight bounced off them? And, something that simple would make you feel a part of everything and all alone at the same time. And that feeling’s not something you can ever put into words. So you spend your whole life chasing it. Making music, taking pictures, paying, whatever, in the hope that other people will understand that sense or feeling. As creative entities, we look for signs of life outside ourselves, for a connection to alleviate the sense of solitude, that’s why we all do what we do, whether we know it of ourselves or not.  

  11. My dirty skin

  12. The electric piano in the corner of my bedroom.

    It taught me how to be a little less clumsy and a little more graceful with my hands, and to also appreciate how intricate music can get.

  13. Flowers

  14. Ice.

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