
What's something weird that you do?

by  |  earlier

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I like to eat peas as a snack. Just by themselves.

And, I occasionally brush my teeth in the shower.

What's something weird you do?




  1. I take shower at 4am and sleep at 7am.

  2. I drink hot tea even if it has cooled off and soft drinks without ice when I am in a restaurant.  Right now, I have the ice that was left from an iced coffee after I drank all the liquid.  It's in the freezer and I'm planning to put some cola in it and drink it for dinner.

  3. Sometimes I go up to the attic and look at the box of dreadlocks my husband cut from his head 2 months ago (40" long, 12 years to grow)...and mine that I cut 3 months ago (~20" long, 5 years to grow)

    I like to use a magnifying glass to catch the suns rays and lite my pipe

    I like to get down and eat plants straight from the ground, without even touching them..(i.e. lettuce, peas, beans) that I'm growing in the garden...

    I like to go out in the middle of the night to check on the stars

    I like to watch TV shows that conflict with my Real Housewives of OC, or Shear Genius, or Project Runway...

    All of these things prolly seem "weird" to some people, beautiful to others and just plain "boring" to the rest...but I liked your question........;-)

  4. f**t and blame it on the dog, even if it's completely obvious I did it.

  5. i eat black olives as a snack. i watch spongebob and im in high school.

  6. I stare at people sometimes and don't even realize I'm doing it.

  7. I eat my cob of corn with ketchup on it, all my friends think that is weird,

  8. lol, I do both of those things too. :D

    hmmm.....other things? well, I like to lay on the floor when I read.

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