
What's <span title="anti-matter????????????????">anti-matter??????????????...</span>

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What is it used for?




  1. it just doesn&#039;t matter.

    it&#039;s used only in physics labs. there is no other antimatter remaining in the known universe except for the stuff we make.

    it&#039;s used for high-energy physics experiments where they smash particles together and look at all the little particles that come out of the explosion, to learn about the basic particles of matter and laws of physics.

    they basically smash matter into antimatter which creates a very energetic kaboom.

  2. well its pretty much just the opposite of matter. just like everyone else has said. But there is a use for it. PET scans uses anti-matter to image your body. When it gets destroyed along with normal matter it emits radiation that is used to see inside you. the P actually stands for positron which is an anti-matter particle.. the only use i know of for it. But there is the idea that in the future it can be used for propulsion in space. But even if it is possible we still have a ways to go before it can be practical.

  3. matter that has the same gravitational properties as ordinary matter, but that has an opposite electric charge as well as opposite nuclear force charges.

  4. Opposite charge

  5. First response is partly right.  Antimatter has the same gravitational properties as ordinary matter, but the electric charges are reversed: an antiproton has a charge of -1.  Antimatter particles annihilate on contact with ordinary matter, yielding radiation; for this reason, antimatter particles are very scarce: only anti-electrons (positrons) are found with any frequency, and those are a result of decay of artificially radioactive elements.  Other antiparticles can be made with high energy accelerators.

  6. Anti matter is matter made up of sub-atomic particles that have an opposite charge of what they should. mgr is wrong, they are actually repelled by ordinary gravity ( anti gravity).

    Anti matter has been made in labs in TINY amounts as it is difficult to make. When antimatter touches ordinary matter, both the matter and anti-matter are converted into energy (gamma rays) in a process called the process of annihilation (my favorite process lol). It takes just a gram to destroy Earth!

    As a response to mr.P, antimatter is still matter. It has mass, though it is repelled by ordinary gravity. a reversed scale would be able to measure its mass. Its weight  is not measurable, as weight is the amount of pull between two masses.

  7. Anti matter is composed of anti-particles - particles that have the same mass and spin as &#039;matter&#039; but opposite charge.

    Anti matter does not have a &quot;use&quot; as such because it is ridiculously expensive to produce and cannot be stored.  At least not in this universe.  However the creation/destruction reaction of anti-matter does have uses.

  8. The existence of antimatter was first predicted in 1928 by Paul Dirac and has been experimentally verified by the artificial creation of the positron (e+) in a laboratory in 1933. The positron, the electron&#039;s antiparticle, carries a positive electrical charge. Not unlike the reflection in a mirror, there is exactly one antimatter particle for each known particle and they behave just like their corresponding matter particles, except they have opposite charges and/or spins. When a matter particle and antimatter particle meet, they annihilate each other into a flash of energy. The universe we can observe contains almost no antimatter. Therefore, antimatter particles are likely to meet their fate and collide with matter particles. Recent research suggests that the symmetry between matter and antimatter is less than perfect. Scientists have observed a phenomenon called charge/parity violation, which implies that antimatter presents not quite the reflection image of matter.

  9. You might like this -

    If we consider matter to be an absorber of energy, then antimatter must be an energy source, as the two combined will cancel out the energy equation. Therefore solid matter is a void of energy, and antimatter is radiation trying to fill that void. This would be proven as we on earth are bombarded from all sides by radiation causing a positive pressure (gravity), but as we absorb more energy, the earth will actually swell untill the gravity (presure) would be enough to collapse into a super dense structure, sucking in yet more antimatter energy untill it just cancels itself out -probably with an almighty pop !

    What is it used for......... Filling in holes.

    (As to answer above.. Just a gram - How can antimatter have weight ? )

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