
What's teaching?

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someone said "telling is not teaching,and listening is not learning."

can you explain it?

what's the right method of teaching?




  1. teaching is that which makes a taught to think

  2. its just a two side interaction between the staff the students

  3. Telling is not teaching:

    A study by the Texas Center for Research shows that as students progress through the grades, more of their instruction is delivered by lecture. "Lecture" can mean a variety of things, some of it good. But sometimes it boils down to "telling", and "no feedback". Then we try to explain the comparatively lower  scores by chalking it up to lower student motivation.

    Teaching is an art and the teacher needs to be involved completely in the subject to make sure that the subject understood by the entire class.

    Listening is not learning

    The importance of listening is this. When you are not listening you are not learning. When you are not listening you are preventing opportunity. The fact that you do not listen reveals the reality that your mind is closed. When you are not listening you are preventing intelligence. When you are not listening there is nothing new, there are only your reactions. If you wish to live life to its fullest, then listening is vital

  4. teaching is a little of both(telling and Listening) try to balance it out

  5. Teaching is actually bringing a revolution in the students. You give a new meaning to their life, open their eyes to the whole new world. A teacher can without any doubt transform the students into assets.

  6. I can not teach you fully on this topic.

  7. Teaching is if you deeply want to help kids. You want the kids to listen, so they can learn. That guy who wrote, "Telling is not teaching" that part is right but the listening isn't learning seems wrong. The reason telling isn't teaching is because you help them, you don't command them, well sort of you do, but not totally. You help them, by telling, but you help them with your wanting to help them. But listening is learniing, or else how are you going to learn?

  8. Teaching is a learning process where both the teacher and the taught should learn. When you teach it should be clear enough that the taught can teach it to another person...that's good teaching from you....

    good teaching methods can include, association of the subject with current events, live examples, mentioning characters from good movies (not wrong ones) and make understand the subject..its left to ur imagination...

  9. hmm...for one thing, teachers are useless unless they can properly interpret and communicate the teaching that is already there...(there's one area we're woefully behind in I'm afraid) test of a teacher is that those who listen, see and know better then they ever did.Teaching is also the impetus to not take things at face value,but to challenge the facts presented and prove them true or false.

  10. see telling things is not teaching if you are not doing it yourself!!


    listening is not learning cause you listen to what the person is saying but if you dnt obey it thn it doesn't show that you have learned something!!

  11. I can just tell any thing but just a useless words,

    You can listen to useless words means you are not learning

    This can be referred as time pass chats.

    Knowledge transfer is right method of teaching..

    By any means ...

  12. In education, a teacher is one who helps students or pupils, often in a school, as well as in a family, religious or community setting. A teacher is an acknowledged guide or helper in processes of learning. A teacher's role may vary between cultures. Academic subjects are emphasized in many societies, but a teacher's duties may include instruction in craftsmanship or vocational training, spirituality, civics, community roles, or life skills. In modern schools and most contemporary occidental societies, where scientific pedagogy is practiced, the teacher is defined as a specialized profession on the same level as many other professions.

    Teaching may be carried out informally, within the family or the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals. Such professionals enjoy a status in some societies on a par with physicians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants.

    A teacher's professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline.
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