
What's that delicious food you have at Indians restaurants just after ordering?

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when you go to an india restaurant they give you this just after your order, comes with 4 diffrent dips, it looks like a mixuture of flour and something else fried in very thin layers, I think the popadom, popedom, pupedom, can't remember.. anyone knows the name of it? how do I do this at home?




  1. Probably poppadam

  2. Poppadoms with cucumber raita, tomato and onion raita, mango chutney and lime pickle.

    The lime pickle is the hot hot HOT one that I avoid whilst stealing all the mango chutney...

    Yummy scrummy for my tummy.

  3. Poppadom!

  4. they're called poppodoms, with mango chutney, salad, yougurt and some hot sauce, u can get them from sainsbury's

  5. Just ask for the pickle tray, to go with your poppadoms. There should be four different dips, ranging from very hot to mild and creamy. You've really made me want this, right now!!!

  6. poppudoms. you can buy ready to fry ones at the supermarket but they arn't as good. Just go to any takaway and order them. with onion chutney, mint sauce and mango chutney. easyer and quicker. yum yum!

  7. The others are correct, they are made from either rice or lentil flour, some are plain, my fav is either cumin or the hot pepper ones.

    Most place fry them but they can be toasted over a gas flame or a electric burner on high, you hold them with a pair of tongs.

    Ou buy them in a package they come in 12 packs, and kep well just make sure that it is a dry palce, like in a ZipLok bag.

  8. Yes, I think you mean poppadums.  Supermarkets sell them by the Asian/Indian section in a flat, square box.  They cook well at home in a fry pan with oil, but the secret is to heat at least 1-2cm of good quality oil until it is almost smoking.  Then you just drop one in, leave for a few seconds, turn over, and wow, it explodes.  leave it too long and it will burn.  Very quick and easy to do, but take care with the hot oil!!  Enjoy.

  9. Poppadoms. They are fantastic! You can buy them in most supermarkets and you can also buy the dips too. Asda do good ones.

  10. popudoms or popadoms

  11. poppadoms and lime pickle. mango chutney, onion and peppers and some sort of yoghurt dip. Delicious. You can buy them ready made at most supermarkets, but its never the same as in the Indian after a few beers.

  12. poppadoms and u get mango chutney, mint sauce, tomato kinda sauce and some spicy lime chutney... well u do where i go neways!

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