
What's the BEST thing about living in London?

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What's the BEST thing about living in London?




  1. The oh-so wonderful people.

    One half of them are unpleasant foreigners

    The other half are stupid, disgusting chavs

  2. First off, the fact that you're so close(literally speaking) to another country.  The fact that your so darned close to Europe itself(a boat ride really. and not even a whole day boat ride at that!!).  The fact that you're NOT in the middle of a family reunion in the middle of the American Bible Belt in high summer heat to boot!!!!!  Um, gee, your in London England and you've literally hundreds of fish and chip shops(most open 24/7) to choose from(do you have any idea how hard a GOOD 24/7 fish&chip shop HERE in Oregon USA is to find? try impossible, they don't exist in America).  By the by, London has some of the best little mom and pop pubs ever that serve nibbles and supper too.  You're living in London baby, enjoy it!

  3. The hustle and bustle of living in a busy city...

    you can never get bored...

    so much to do!


  4. Going to GIGS!

  5. Your never far away from anything. And there is always something to do.

  6. There is nothing good in UK and Ireland. England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland these countries look like a big slam. Awful junkies everywhere, knife crime, racism, xenophobia and litter. Try Switzerland. You like it they will help you, you don't like they will mark you.

    I don't understand why people try all the time to get in these 4 countries. There is no culture there but only knickers. And the women are whores and nasty. There are still countries much better than these fowl runs .

  7. For me, Theres is more and better restaurants that I could work in than there is in Birmingham.

  8. Getting away from it

  9. something going on all the time.... hundreds of things

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