
What's the Chance of getting pregnant at 15 after having unprotected s*x twice in one night during ovulation?

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What's the Chance of getting pregnant at 15 after having unprotected s*x twice in one night during ovulation?




  1. Extremely high you silly little *****!  

  2. Chances are REALLY good.  Should have taken the morning after pill.  Maybe before you have s*x again, you should protect yourself.

  3. Extremely high... take a test and next time protect yourself

  4. VERY GOOD!!!!!!! i would be surprised if your not pregnant

  5. theres a big chance.

    next time, don't be stupid. take a pregnancy test to be sure.

  6. Pretty darn good.Like they say if you are old enough to bleed you are old enough to breed hon.If a girl can have her period she can get pregnant the first time she has s*x.You knew that though didn't you?

    You also know that s*x makes babies.

    Now do you know if this guy will stick around after you tell him you are pregnant?

    Do you know how you are going to financially support a child by yourself with no education car or job?

    Adoption is something you should start looking into.

  7. really high. take a test in ten days

  8. Wow you are an idiot.  Obviously the chances are VERY HIGH.

  9. Whin, Whin, I think I hear your baby calling.  

  10. REALLY GOOD.  Cross your fingers and start praying that you're not pregnant!  Try condoms next time!

  11. Sounds like you do not need to be having s*x if you are this clueless!

  12. well as great as any woman having s*x with out protection and ovulating. 50% to 100%

    next time be smart there is no good reason no to use protection when it comes to s*x.

    go to planned parent hood and get a emergency pill

    click here to find one near you:

  13. You have a 28-33% chance of becoming pregnant if you have intercourse on the day that you are ovulating.  Actually, the highest chance is having s*x the day before ovulation.

    So, I guess the question is . . . "Do you feel lucky?"

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