
What's the Chinese audience shouting every time they're cheering for a Chinese team?

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In every Olympic event where there's a Chinese team, the Chinese audience fervently cheers something, but what are they saying?




  1. Something in Chinese though I don't understand it cause well....I don't speak Chinese. Or understand it. Or read it. I wish I did. Everytime I see one I swear their talkin smack in their ching changs somewhere.

  2. something to encourage their athletes is my guess, just like every other country.

  3. In Chinese phonetic symbols, they're "Jia You".

    The pronunciation in English should be: "Jar You".

    Literally translation is "add(Jia) oil(You)'.

    Of course, the real meaing of this word is something like: cheer up, come on, keep on, work harder etc.

  4. 中国加油!

    Zhong guo jia you.

    Basically, "Go China!"  

  5. "jia you" literal translation would be "add (jia) oil (you)"

    what it means is: "add more effort" + "step on the gas" + "get better" "go faster, higher, further, etc"  

  6. "Go" in Chinese is what someone said.

  7. Accurate translation: Go China

  8. "Go Team China" is loosely translated to "中国队,加油! (Zhong Guo Dui, Jia You)"  This can be replaced by any Chinese name, as Chinese names are all two or three characters long, and each character is always one syllable long.  So "Go Ma Lin" is "马琳,加油! (Ma Lin, Jia You)" and "Go Xie Xing Fang" is "谢杏芳,加油! (Xie Xing Fang, Jia You)"

    加油 (Jia You) literally means "add gas," but this is figurative and loosely means "step on the gas."  Thus, the chant loosely means "step on the gas, China" or "go China!"

    It works well because one person says "中国队 (Team China)" or the name of the person, and then the audience responds "加油 (Jia You)!"

  9. usually they say jia you... It means all the best...

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