
What's the First Thing That Comes 2 Mind When I Say NARUTO?^^

by  |  earlier

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  1. Kimimaro Kayuga

  2. Jutsu

  3. Just the character Naruto himself

    That and lots of ramen xD

  4. Animes!!!!!!!!

  5. Narutards. >.>

  6. haha awesome orange little dude!  

  7. A good show, characters with great abilities and personalities. A good storyline, and very suspenseful.

    Too many Fillers, Naruto is a bit immature, even during shippuden, and Sasuke is easily manipulated by the bad guys.

    Very Overrated by fans

    Very Over hated by haters

    It's not GREATEST anime but it's not the WORST either.

  8. dattebayo and ramen

  9. yeah, i just think of the character Naruto

  10. Me:

    Number one knuckle-Head Ninja XD

    Lmao don't know why but it makes me laugh all the time


    Naruto rules ^^

  12. I hate Sakura,

    Um, the show.

    Naruto himself.



  13. Ramen ....Yup..Ramen.


    sasuke.. ~//~.

  14. my favorite naruto chrater and naruto^^

  15. Narutards...

    Sorry, you asked...

  16. Stupid question; Naruto.

  17. Itachi Rules!!

  18. awesome ninjas D:

  19. naruto when he is screaming out ''aaaaaaahhhhhh''

  20. a hard working boy, he always believes himself

    Same to me, orange............ (his clothes, both in Naruto and Naruto Shippudden)

    But, he is a little bit annoying when he starts being confidence, but still, it's good. Hehehehehehehehehehe.......................

  21. Hi Bel!!! *waves*

    All I can see in my mind is a kid with bleached hair, whiskers, and very determined to fight with angry eyes, wearing his usual orange outfit.

    I'll star.

    Bye!!! *waves*

  22. Blond ninja! Aahhhhhhhh!

  23. Hmm lol the first thing i think of is : THE SUPER COOL TOTALLY AWESOME AND AMAZING BEST ANIME AND MANGA!!!!

  24. Naruto using the Rasengan.

  25. This is from a point of view of a person who has only watched an episode of Naruto.

    First thing: HOMG s**y JUTSU 8OOOO

  26. lol hmmm......IDK just the character Naruto himself XD

    Naruto Rocks!!!!!

  27. My link says it all. I actually like Naruto, and here is a story for you dears because I feel giving today.

    I was going for an interview at EB Games (now Game Stop). I was dressed in a knee high pleat black skirt and a low cut blouse, nice hair and make-up. Basically, a female creature that doesn't often wander into EB Games. (Yes, I'm a gamer). As I was walking in, a fat 12 year old boy with a Hidden Mist headband was walking out, and he froze as soon as he saw me. I thought I'd humor him, "Hey, what village is that headband from?" He gaped at me for a good 5 seconds before stammering, "Th-thank you!" and scurrying away.

    So now when I think of Naruto, FIRST I think of that kid, and SECOND I think of how much of a douche Sasuke is in the current Japanese manga. KING OF DOUCHE.

    That is all.

  28. Rammen =D



  30. Dattebayo =D

  31. Awesome show, awesome orange ninja! Thats the first thing that comes to my mind.


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