
What's the Georgia phone number for the "Ben Hill Department" at Home Depot Inc.?

by Guest57467  |  earlier

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Evidently the phone number is available only in Home Depot stores. I won't be near a store for some time. An email address would also work.




  1. ben hill (aka customer care) is 1-800-553-3199..I honestly used to hate the people at customer care...however,  if you are having an issue, they seriously follow up like nobody's business. They will call the store insanely until something is resolved. They go to district managers, regional but seriously, I hope whatever problem you have gets resolved quickly and you don't hold one bad experience (or lets be honest,maybe many bad experiences) against the whole company. There are tons of us who care!  (I know the "ben hill number" may be listed as different in other stores, but it honestly leads to the same things, and customer care will give you a different number if needed, they are helpfull..)

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