
What's the Japanese translation for "dark/night wind wolf"?

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What would be the Japanese translation for "dark wind wolf" or "night wind wolf", specifically if I wanted to use it as a name/nickname?

I'm asking for answers in Romaji, since I want to use it in a fanfiction.




  1. A "dark wind wolf" would be 暗い風の狼 kurai kaze no ookami

    A "night wind wolf" would be 夜の風の狼 yori no kaze no ookami.

    But neither sound very poetic.  So let's make a name completely out of kanji!

    黒風狼 dark wind wolf

    This can be read as "kuro kaze ookami" OR shorter "kokufuurou".

    夜風狼 night wind wolf

    This can be read as "yoru kaze ookami" OR shorter "yafuurou"

    Cheers!  Good luck with your story.

  2. 暗い風 (kurai kaze)-dark wind

    夜の風 (yoru no kaze)-night wind

    おおかみ (okami)- wolf

    So dark wind wolf would be 暗い風のおおかみ (kurai kaze no okami)

    and night wind wolf would be 夜の風のおおかみ (yoru no kaze no okami).

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