
What's the Krav Maga Level 1 and 2 test like?

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I test tomorrow and was wondering if anyone could provide insight into how diffucult the test was and how critical the instructors are in terms of grading. Thanks for your help




  1. Honestly this is usually a thing that varies from instructor to instructor. Some instructors know that by your already demonstrating the understanding of the techniques, reactions and principles that you are virtually assured relative ease in testing.

    Others like to push you more, and present the test as a challenge or learning tool for you, one that provides a realistical example of where you are.

    Also because of different organizations (for example you use level 1, and level 2 testing, which sounds like IKMF standards, which I assume you are taking Practioner level 1. Normally they don't two exams in a row like that, but again your school could be different, and they could be asking you to take the level 2 exam to see if perhaps you are ready to begin, or to give you a baseline of understanding as you start level 2. Personally I don't find the tests that difficult if you have had some sort of background in other arts.

    I can't answer how critical the instructors are, because I don't know which ones you use. Some instructors are tough in training and forgiving during exams due to knowing where you stand via day to day interaction. Some are tough no matter what, and some are easy on your training and expect personal work done on your own, therefore place more critiques during testing.  Hard to tell really, one thing is for sure, you will have an idea at the end of it.

    All in all, most places prepare you well for tests and don't set you up to take tests that they feel you are going to fail. (This does little for the students confidence or moral). In general, you will always be a notch or two above skillwise then what you are grading for.

    Overall I haven't found Krav to be incredibly demanding rank wise, because in general rank is not a major portion of their art, it is just a means of determining where you are skill wise as far as what techniques to work on, and isn't based in status like other arts. I'm a G-4 under IKMF, and a A-C Certified Brown Belt under Levine (KMAA). I have heard different rank structures than that out there as well. But it sounds like you are doing it under IKMF (which I prefer anyway), and I don't expect you should have too many problems.

    My P1 stuff was mostly theory and principles, some defense and basic applications, I moved through most of the stuff very quickly because of prior military and Martial Arts training, I pretty much jumped levels most of the time because I could test out of them right away. More than likely your instructor probably sees this same sort of thing, hence the doing level 1-2.

    I wouldn't stress it, I think you will do fine.

    Good Luck, Real Krav is a great thing.

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