
What's the ONE most important thing one can do for the environment?

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What's the ONE most important thing one can do for the environment?




  1. Stop throwing out there garbage after they leave the restaurants.On to the streets.This is for all,But I see it a lot in Gary.

  2. Reduce consumption.

  3. Recycle waste, reduce carbon emissions, drive more fuel efficient cars, wean yourself off gasoline.

  4. get a vasectomy    That will save yourself lots of money and frustration too.

  5. Get off one's *** and make a lifestyle change.

  6. eat meat

  7. try to grow even 1 tree as a tree can support a lot of life.............................

  8. Stop littering. Use electric products wisely.

  9. Have less children.

  10. about 6billion humans are living on the earth.

    lets imagine, 1-everyone of us would plant a tree once a year and take care of it to grow up. 2-do not use wooden products anymore(as much as one can). and know how to use papers. so the problem of trees and plants would be solved.

    then lets imagine nobody uses car unless its really necessary (only travel from a city to another, or emergency)so the air could be cleaner.

    then lets imagine, we were not producing plastics and glasses as much as we do now, then our trashes were a little more environmental friendly. and at last if we could abandone using petrol, then everything was good

  11. theres many so i take 2 important here

    stop eating meat.

    Dont fly airplane.

  12. save energy by turning off lights & appliances we are using and thus producing less green house gasses. .. and not driving cars.

  13. like they said, saving energy would be the simplest and best way to save and help the environment.

    it will be better if we look for other best ways to save the environment like throwing garbage properly, consume less materials, commute if possible and so much more. it will be better also if we join environment friendly organizations so that we could have more knowledge on how to save the environment.

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