
What's the POINT of having a child?

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I've always wanted to be a mom one day. But I had an epiphany today...whats the point? Besides all of the cliche' reasons like..."to populate the world" "to have someone to give love unconditional love" "To have a legacy" etc.

What's the point of spending your life raising someone else?




  1. Well since you asking...your not ready...

    But when your a mom you will understand wut makes it so great

    the words...there anit any word for being a word expresses how it feels

  2. I believe a woman can live a perfectly happy life without having a child. It would certainlly be less complicated. The only real reason, I suppose, if one discounts love and legacy is that we have a maternal instinct, an empty that needs to be filled. Some of us are ruled by it. Some of us hardly notice it.

  3. There is no point really. It all depends on the individual situation. There's no reason to have a child. It either happens or it doesn't, depending on all the circumstances.

  4. You could ask this about a lot of things. For example, what is the POINT of getting married? Whats the POINT of dating? Whats the POINT of getting a dog or cat? Whats the POINT of a lot of things we do? I think its because it brings us joy and fulfillment!

    Im unable to have children,but I wish that I could be a mother, because it would give me a sense of purpose. I adore children, and I want nothing more than to have a son or daughter to love and nurture. Children bring me joy. For someone that doesnt get this kind of joy or fullfilment from kids, obviously motherhood is not for them.

  5. I really don't think that this is a question that can be truly answered.  From what I can tell no matter what someone answers you will still ask "What's the POINT?"  

    I think you need to really want children or be a parent to truly know the answer to your question.

  6. The point of the human race is to reproduce.

  7. You mean there's supposed to be a point to raising a child? :-)

    If you don't want to have a child, don't.  The last sentence of your post says it all.  I really hope for the child's sake you don't have one if you don't want him.  Also, I really don't think the world needs any more population.   So, go ahead, enjoy yourself in your decision not to have a child.  If in the future you change your mind you can have a child later.

  8. Raising a child is not for everyone. Maybe you won't and maybe you will... and then I hope you see the point.

  9. Being a parent is actually much more enjoyable than some portray it to be.  I think being a mom is fun, my daughter adds to my life she doesnt take away from it. Of course there are times when being a parent isnt so fun, but there are more good times than bad.

  10. all liveing things reproduce..........but we has humans rhave more of a choice unlike most animals because of our logic

  11. You want to experience the greatest love and acceptance there is?  Have a child.  That's my first thought.

    The point is to contribute to society by raising a decent human being to take your place.  You raise your child to be everything you are and better than you are.

  12. Ummm well the cliche' "to populate the world" seems most logical to me... if everyone felt that there was "no point" to having a child there'd be no people... simple as that... cliche' or not it's the reality of why people have children... it's instinct due to means of survival of the human race... as well as all other species... we all reproduce by nature to keep our species going.

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