
What's the Pope's problem. Nothing wrong with a green frog is there?

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What's the Pope's problem. Nothing wrong with a green frog is there?




  1. I think it's pretty silly given that Catholicism (or Christianity in general for that matter) does not have a monopoly on Crucifixion. It was a very common punishment, especially for run away slaves. But since one unfortunate carpenter was executed on a cross as a political dissident, anyone else using a cross or crucifixion is apparently blasphemous. But then again I also think that it's rather bad taste to use an instrument of torture and execution as the symbol of one's faith.

  2. Blasphemy apparently

    So it's ok for him to moan about something irrelevant and ignore poverty!

  3. the pope is a hypocrite, the vatican's evil is croaked in secrecy

    the pope is also an idiot, by moaning about the frog hes playing straight into the hands of the artist and giving him the free publicity he wanted

    so much for being infallible

  4. I dont get it either...i think the original crucifix with christ dying is blasphemous enough.Why does no one see that as offensive?

  5. first a frog next your daughter. you xtians will thank us when we lead the protest and apologize for your ignorance,

  6. I thought it was funny. Poor froggy though, but it's only a sculpture.

  7. I think frogs are cute. The Pope should be reported.

  8. blasphemy is a victimless crime

  9. I can't think of any wars, crusades or persecutions carried out in the name of Frogianity!

  10. Whaaaat , a crucified kermit, no nothing wrong crucify the lot of them.

  11. It is a rich but sad irony since the Pope is himself a blasphemy.

  12. There is nothing wrong with the green frog, but what exactly is it suppose to represent.  

  13. Nothing. But the Pope still needs to try and justify his job.

  14. ?

  15. If anyone is going to use their freedom of speech to create a sculpture portraying a crucified green frog holding a beer mug and an egg then they must allow others to use their freedom of speech to approve or disapprove of the "art".

    The Pope has simply used his freedom of speech to disapprove of the piece of "art" in question and declaring it as "blasphemous."

    Blasphemy is speech, thought, or action involving contempt for God or the Church, or persons or things dedicated to God.

    Here is an article on the subject:

    With love in Christ.

  16. Don't recall him being outspoken about the n***s when he was playing at being a Hitler Youth.

    But then, it was only Jews, Gypsies and Communists that were being persecuted at that time. Green Frogs hadn't been invented then.

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