
What's the REAL reason Obama gave his speech outdoors?

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I bet it's so he could smoke.




  1. Because it would give people like you something to talk about.

  2. I figured he was kind of staging the Pope, ya know?

    Edit:  Rodeoric....OF COURSE you wouldn't understand it.  That's because thanks to John McCain and others like him, you have never been held prisoner by a foreign military and tortured day in and day out.  Should it ever happen to you, I'll bet you a dollar to a doughnut you will start to understand REALLY fast!

  3. Rock bands.

  4. That's a dumb assumption.  He needed the extra seats and if McCain was in the same situation....there would have been a lot of empty seats.

  5. We might not know until the debates begin. My hunch is that Obama is jealous the Arizona Senator has so much POWER! I mean the media hit the nail on the head about McCain's success rate oversees, securing our citizens against our enemies, getting a real energy policy agenda started, etc. He is beginning to realize he is up against a full fledged hero!

  6. He was taunting NRA Palin to take a shot at him

  7. He did it because John Kennedy did it and wants people to see Obama and to think JFK.

  8. No.  It would have been really hard to include grassroots supporters in an already packed convention center.  He was extending participation in the political process to people who were not politicians.  How great is that?

  9. He held his acceptance speech outdoors because the odor of all that same old democrat bs would have stunk so bad that nobody would have stayed to hear it.  

  10. How is McCain a Hero if he did videos for North Vietnam? I do not understand that.  But, back to the question at hand, show me one indoor arena that holds 80 thousand.

  11. smoking is a hard habit to break, so is racism and terrorism, but he can change his ways, really, he can....

  12. no, because no house could hold the amount of people who attended

  13. Because he is copying JFK and Martin Luther King I presume.

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