
What's the US problem with Iran?

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i always hear that the USA and Iran are enemy... i just want to know why!!! Iran has never done anything against the USA, they have never caused the death of 1 US guy (unlike the USA)... OK except during the period of the revolution and the hostages but it was a specific period and the people of the embassy was treated well and released and it was the US fault for having intervened in the national policy of a foreign country

Iran has to be angry at the USA: they are the reason of the iranian revolution, they sold weapons to iraq during the war which caused a lot of damages for the civil population, they attacked a civil plane of iranair "by mistake", and a lot of other things

u have to know that iranien people are maybe 1 of the people in the world who loves the most the US way of life.. go to iran u will see all young people tring to be like the US stars, they know everything of u but u know nothing about them

so can u explain me the fears u have against iran.. maybe i can explain u why they are based on nothing




  1. Are you kidding me or just kidding yourself . . . un freakin believable . . .

  2.    First off, they took hostages and held them for over 440 days. Secondly they have been supporting Has mas to kill Jewish people. The president of Iran has said Death to Israel and Death to America .Iran has been supplying bombs to the Iraqi fundamentalists. Iran is building a nuclear weapons program and plans to use it to kill Israel.  

       The youth like the rest of the world would love to be friends with the US. It comes down to the fact that their leaderships, through their fundamentalist views sees anyone not the same as them as unclean and will corrupt their land through their existence. Until they have another revolution, that will no longer look at Them being the best and they are part of the global human race, we will always have problems.    

  3. Because Iran is not under US influence. And everybody who is not following US wishes is a "non democratical" and "enemy of all living". When Pakistan researches nuclear technology - US stay silence - because Pakistan has a friendly regime.

    And why Iran is on one of the first place of US activity and rhetoric? Because this country (Iran) traditionally plays serious role in region and have huge oil natural resources. Since Islamic Revolution in Iran - US influence here is nullified. That's all. If Iran's government were a US-friendly - there will be no any words about human rights violation, non-democracy and terrorism. US credo is that if something serves to US, it by default cannot be evil. And also everything opposing US is an evil be default.This is an ill position, but it still used in all diplomacy of US.

    Added - Philip H. do You mean US have RIGHT to invade independant country to overthrow its government? Maybe You miss something, but Iran has equal rights as US - it is  independent country, and ONLY population of this country can decide who will rule this country. It's a basic statement of international law, and DEMOCRACY.

  4. aipac

  5. Honey if you are this ignorant of the situation you really should do less posting and more reading.

  6. You mean other than blowing up the US barracks in Beirut killing hundreds of US peacekeepers?  And, of course, killing hundreds or perhaps even thousands of US troops in Iraq?

    And there's that slight issue we take with millions of Iranians marching in parades calling for the genocide of the US and our allies.

    And sorry, attacking an embassy and holding hostages is a perfectly valid reason to supply weapons to Iraq.  It would have been a perfectly valid and completely justified reason for the US to declare war on Iran.

  7. well, they are sending weapons to the iraqi insurgency

    also they have threatened our allies

    Is that not enough for you?

  8. Well there's really no point answering this question since you already made clear in your rant that you think the US is the bad guy and that Iran attacking the US embassy and taking its personnel hostage for over a year was justified.

    Even if someone came up with the most logical and ingenious answer you would still probably pick the one that comes close to the way you think. We both know I'm right.

    But I'll humor you. Iran hates Israel this isn't assumption its FACT they hate their guts they even admit it too. This isn't something we came up with its something they told the world through words and actions. Israel is our ally so we must protect them or do you now think that leaving allies high and dry when they need us should be a new US policy so that we can make every one happy?

    Second Iran boasts thats right they boast that their military is specifically designed to fight the US military so what the h**l is that supposed to mean? Well it means exactly what it means that they expect to go to war with us. So of course they will be a threat since they expect to go to war with us why shouldn't they be a threat?

  9. They want to murder (totally exterminate with nuclear weapons) our allies.

    That is the same as murdering our US citizens.

    Iran is a nation with an  insane government. Their citizens should get rid of their tyrannical leadership before they get into some real trouble.


  10. They will not shut down their nuclear program

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