
What's the WORST advice you ever heard?

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What's the WORST advice you ever heard?




  1. To put salt on the roasted chicken; but I denied it and put pepper on it instead.


  2. (not to me)

    wear a wig as hijab

  3. "Stop praying".

  4. when i went bungee jumping once, the instructor told me not to look down.

  5. To ask a hungry man "Why are you mad?"  that or when my husband stupidly said "Wear your shirt so that it shows your bra. bras are part of fashion!"  

  6. The chicken crossed the road to get to the other side.

  7. Stay in Islam.  

  8. I once told someone if they have an athlete foot, they can run faster, and they believed me.

    Someone once told me, not to put my MP3 player in my pocket, as this may 'scratch' the tracks.  

  9. Someone once told me I would look if I dyed my hair red.

  10. "you should just drop out of school"

  11. hehe that your dog can be in the room with you while praying salaat as long as he wasn't barking or anything....other wise behaveing like a dog! lol

    i've been properly informed that dogs are not allowed to be in the room when you pray though haha.

  12. Dont ever trust anyone! If I never trusted anyone, I'd never be happy!

  13. In recent history, to treat a feverish baby by rubbing her down with alcohol and giving her a cool bath.

    OMG, kids die of alcohol poisoning. And submerging an infant in a cool bath is too harsh, you should just do a lukewarm sponge bath.

    Also, it's not usually a good idea to artificially lower a fever, they are meant to run their course and do a job. You only need to worry about getting it down if it starts to get dangerously high.

  14. Just say bismillah and it's halal

  15. THe best way to fight terrorist on a plane is to bring weapons to the plane so you can defend yourself when it happens.  

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