
What's the actions of shooting bow?

by  |  earlier

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Please teach me in detail. ^^;




  1. Well its very simple really, and it all depends on what kind of bow you are using. There are 3 different kinds of bows compound,re curb, and cross bow. If you are using a compound bow you are going to need a bow trigger and depending on how strong you are you might have to adjust the poundage your compound bow is set on, on average compounds  usually range from 30 to 70 pounds, you are also going to have to set your sites this depends on how tall and how long your reach is, so I suggest practicing close up on an object than to far away so that you do not lose any arrows. Re curbs are the grandfather of all bows but are the most simple to use, a re curb is the bow that is just one simple peace of wood with a string, these bows usually don't have sites because the more advanced use them. And cross bows, this bow is more like a gun really it just one simple motion, c**k the handlee back aim and pull thetriggerr back. But on compounds make sure that you do not dry fire it, that means do not soot it with out anarrowwbecausee if you do the usually end up breaking./

  2. Learn from the pro's

  3. The basic steps are pretty much the same on any type of bows.  Here are the basic steps we teach to beginners

    1.  Stance, stand with feet shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.  When you stand with your head looking straight forward, you should be looking at a direction that is about 90 degrees from where the target is.

    2.  Nock, take an arrow out of the quiver and put it on the string.  Make sure the nock makes a firm click on the string

    3.  Set, put your fingers on the string, one finger above and two fingers below the arrow.  Now for compound shooters, this step is where you put the release on the loop.

    4. Grip, place the palm of your bow hand on the grip.  This step varies depending on what you shoot and how advanced you are.  But one thing remains the same, your grip should be relaxed.  A death grip on the bow is not consistent.

    5. Pre draw, look at the target and raise the bow up.  Pull slightly on the string.

    6. Draw, pull the string back, all the way to...

    7. Anchor, this is where you anchor the back of the arrow to some part of your body.  This also varies by shooting style, the english longbowmen of King Henry's time used to anchor to their chests.  Barebow shooters anchor to the corner of their mouths.  Olympic shooters, anchor with the bone of their index finger solidly locked under theit jaw bone and the string touching their chin and their nose.

    8. Release, relax your string fingers and let the string push your fingers out of the way.  Compound shooters who use releases either pull on the trigger or if they use a BT release they need to increase their back tension until the release fire.

    9.  Follow through, keep the bow arm up pointed at the target and the draw arm should follow through, if done properly the draw fingers will sweep back across your jaw to the back of your neck.

    Like I said earlier, this is just a guideline, there are many different methods of shooting that varies from this basic method.  Some put more emphasis on transferring load from your arm and shoulder to the back, some will have you push on the bow instead of pull on the string.

  4. Bowhunting Videos and Video Clips - Search Media

    Nothing is more important than how you grip your bow. This tip from Larry Wise teaches you how to get a hold on archery shooting success. ... - Cached

    Go to this link- it will be very helpful-good luck!

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