
What's the argument against medical marijuana?

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You can't accidently overdose on it. Even if you think its addictive: its not as addictive as, for example, morphine or codine. So what's the other side of the argument?




  1. The other side of the argument is simply that the ingredients in marijuana that relieve the pressure of glaucoma, migranes, and increase appetite in chemo patients can all be synthysized into a pill that does NOT give you a buzz.

    heaven forbid that anyone should get a buzz...

    Were marijuana legal, it'd be so easy and cheap to grow that it would cut into the pharmaceuticals market, the alcohol market, be impossible to regulate and tax, and a lot of people would be less productive. But as you know, I favor legalizing it----after YOU turn 18, that is...

  2. From what I have read on the subject the argument is that it destroys braincells and can cause memory problems

  3. the only argument that people provide is one on the basis of morality, which does not make sense as it is deemed perfectly acceptable for doctors to hand out medical versions of morphine for painkilling purposes? marijuana has NOT been proven to cause cancer, and is almost a miracle cure for diet issues, chronic pain, etc. unfortunately, although there is no logical reason NOT to have medical marijuana, people allow their "beliefes" to cloud their vision, and as far as I know, the Bible says nothing about marijuana

  4. My dad told me many, many yrs ago that the medical association has to do population control. And if the medical world perscribes things that cure or help, then not as much money will be made. I don't know if I particularly believe this but if you think about it, it makes sense.

    Marijuana has lots of benefits that out way the argument the govt is having, but yet the pharmacutal company's get to push meds that have tons of damaging side effects while masking one problem the patient has.

    A prime example is alcohol or Oxycontin. Both of these substances kill thousands a year. If these 2 items were not dispersed as they are look at how much the medical world would loose.

    The whole thing just makes no sense. Also, if the pot is kept illegal the govt makes bank, so in my opinion its all about money just like every thing else in life.

  5. The argument about medical marijuana is often confused with, and intertwined with the argument for legalization of marijuana.

    I support legalization, or at least decriminalization of should be available like alcohol, or you should be able to grow your own for personal use.  Law enforcement has some issues as we don't have objective tests for impairment like we do with alcohol...but I think that is a  minor issue.

    As far as medical marijuana, the problem is that the evidence it is better than current is interesting...but not definitive.  There is some decent evidence that it helps with chemo related nausea, glaucoma, appetite stimulation in AIDS and perhaps some types of chronic pain.  

    Is it superior to standard therapy?  The evidence just isn't there, yet.

    Another concern with MM is the whole "delivery mechanism" issue.  Chronic marijuana inhalation can cause respiratory problems, similar to emphysema, though apparently not as bad as cigarretes.  There is no link to lung cancer, and a study a few years ago suggested it may actually help prevent lung cancer in cigaretted smokers.  Interesting stuff.

    The problem most docs have with "medical marijuana" is that most of the patients I see who request it, don't have any medical problems that it may help...and are just trying to get it for recreational purposes.

  6. Agreed John M.  It has been documented to relieve pain, glaucoma, drepression and increase appetite for AIDS and chemotherapy patients.  But it is legal, and most importantly-acceptable, to pump all kinds of foreign and toxic materials to patients in the form of pills. The side effects and warnings are there for a reason and are very real experiences.  So is the big money for drug companies who can't push out new products fast enough to pay their yaht bills.  However, an herbal substance from nature is Not acceptable and does Not require a declaration page of side effects, warnings, and dosing details.  Bible: After God put forth vegitation and plants yeilding seed (to multiply) on the earth, he saw that it was good.  

    Here is the Killer, and I do mean Killer.  Alcohol is widely accepted as a mind altering substance, which is more dangerous and more addictive that nearly everything else.  Alcoholics die and Alcohol kills with vehicle accidents.  Something not even addressed is the fact that alcohol REDUCES inhibitions so that a person may say or do something that they normally would not do, such as punching their wife or yelling at a cop.  But marijuana INCREASES inhibitions so someone may not complain about the wife's housekeeping, or verbally abuse any person of authority.   Alcohol = driving fast, reckless, not paying attention.  Marijuna = slower driving with more caution and detailed attention to surroundings.

      I'd rather have a surgeon operate on me high than under the influence of alcohol, cocaine, sudafed, coffee, a hangover or stress.  Social stupidity and judgement are the only baracades preventing the use of marijuana. (medicinal or otherwise)

    ps. Alcohol kills significantly more brain cells than pot. (Are you drinking because "Brain cells" has 2 words.)  And memory?  Ask a drunk how they got home last night.

  7. no one...............two.............. medicines are ok only in extreme cases..................................w... you can't function is when..................

  8. There is no reasonable argument against medical marijuana and in my opinion a person should not be arrested for possessing or growing their own, if they are currently diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Additionally, it should probably be the same for anyone with chronic, extreme pain.  

    My mother is fighting cancer and if she gets to the point where marijuana will help her, I will not hesitate to get her some.  Let the chips fall where they may.  But really, is this something a person deserves being imprisoned for?  

    Marijuana is non-addictive, is cheaply and easily grown, and does not cause aggressive behavior by it's user.  It is MUCH less harmful than many, many LEGAL drugs.

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