
What's the average i.q of someone in pittsburgh?

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Because it seems like they're not smart enough to figure out the obvious.




  1. what are they doing that makes them look dumb?

    I don't think they are any less intelligent than any other city.

  2. best of 7 series last time i checked.  you still gotta win two more.  you ask a question like this and your the one making yourself look dumb.

  3. Their IQ is high enogh not to live in Detroit...

  4. I was born and raised in Detroit and am a true Red Wings fan, but I think you are the one with the way below average I.Q. if you are dumb enough to post such a foolish question as this!

    There are many brilliant people that live in Pittsburgh just as well as there are brilliant players on the Pittsburgh Hockey team.

    Just because Detroit won the first two games in shut outs, that doesn't mean it's necessarily over for Pittsburgh!

    They have just as much of a chance at winning the cup as we do, and it's low class people like you that give Detroit the bad reputation we have!

    I will gladly shake the hand of anyone from Pittsburgh rather they win or not, as it is not who can do what better (or who wins what) that really counts, but rather a persons character that is the most important, and you my freind are sadly lacking in that respect!

  5. Good question. Here, let me star it for you.

  6. This question is really unnecessary.

  7. =COS(SQRT(9854.125))/0.00201

  8. IQ? Wow.....thats not cool. Nobody is doubting their IQ.....just their hockey skills right now.

  9. what's the IQ of someone that has to ask this question? Keep your opinions to yourself.

    EDIT: OK you asked for it

    real accurate numbers:

    Michigan is #21 with the average being 99

    Pennsylvania is #15 with the average being 101.

    Hey you asked, not me.

  10. The average IQ of someone from pittsburgh is about 20 times higher than you, dumb*ss

  11. The I.Q. of people in Pittsburgh is irrelevant.  There are a few fans that seem pretty dumb though, but there are fans like that for every team.

  12. Smarter than you.

  13. It's high enough that they recovered from the drastic decline in their primary industry.  How is the unemployment rate in Detroit these days anyway?

  14. I know a few guys over in Pittsburgh, one with above average intelligence and the others have an average I.Q., Why do you ask?

    I believe it's a normal I.Q. and have no reason to suspect otherwise...

  15. What does it matter - they have jobs unlike those in Detroit!

    (sorry, but a nasty question deserves a sharp response, even though I am not from either place).

  16. Not sure, I would guess its 100 since that is the average of all humans.

    Of course the average person from Pittsburgh also has a job, unlike the freeloaders in lets say, a city like Detroit.

  17. maybe the same or about the same as the people in Yuma Arizona, the people in Yuma are ranked something like third lowest in the nation, pertaining to intelligent quotient????   Hmmmmm, Pittsburg,    if white people want to depress you, what are white people afraid of?

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