
What's the bad thing about canned food?

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We're going to compare bacteria between canned food and homemade food of the same kind. We haven't really tried it yet but we have to submit a paper before acutally experimenting! Please help, and put sources. Thanks




  1. This may not help but I watched a thing on that Dr Know show man... He did a thing about this and I remember him saying that so many other things are added to the can and the food its self to preserve it. Its the added stuff from what I remember. Not necessarly the food its self but what is added to it for taste and preservation. Google Dr Know Canned Food.

  2. the thing i hate is canned veggies. they cook the guts out of them and then they taste... well i cant explain it but yer thats my opinion

  3. Preservatives, when we can our own, we are free of pesticides and preservatives..........

  4. canned food has less germs and less nutrition than home cooked food because of the simple reson that canned food contain certain preservatives sometimes that detroy nutrients

  5. canned stuff has a lot of preservatives and lots of sodium.  You look at a can of green beans and you are getting very few nutrients, but a ton of sodium.  Even the low salt ones are so over cooked or something that there isn't much good stuff in it for you.  

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