
What's the benefit of drinking tea 5 times a day?

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I drink white tea, jade oolong tea twice, roasted green tea and relaxing decaffeinated green tea every day.

What health benefits does this bring?




  1. The health benefits of tea (that means all teas that are made from the tea plant, like white, green, black and oolong) are pretty well documented. Because of the antioxidant content, tea may:

    - Reduce the probability of being diagnosed with heart disease

    - Reduce the probability of getting high cholesterol

    - Reduce the probability of getting diabetes

    - Strengthen the immune system

    - Reduce the probaility of being diagnosed with cancer

    - Prevent and reduce the effects of physical aging

    The chemical in teas that have these fine effects is mainly epogallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a strong antioxidant that prevents and reduces the damage done by other substances called free radicals when they attack the cells of the body. In essence, the antioxidants give the immune system a boost on a cellular level.

    Studies show that at least four cups of tea a day are required to reap the maximum health benefits of tea, so drinking five cups a day like you do is a good idea.

  2. Longer life, good immune system.

  3. Tea (to borrow a catchphrase) does a body good. While some marketers tend to place undue emphasis on just how much good tea can do us, there's compelling evidence nonetheless to show that it can benefit our health on a number of fronts. Here are some of the potential benefits we've examined thus far at the Twinings Tea Blog.

       1. Heart Health

          Have a healthy heart. It's a goal all of us should pursue and if a number of studies on the matter are any indication, tea might help.


       2. Weight Loss

          There are several studies that indicate that tea may play a role in weight loss.      


       3. Diabetes

          Research has indicated that green, black and oolong tea may all help protect against diabetes.

       4. more


          Evidence this far shows promise for tea and tea extracts in the battle against Alzheimer's.


       5. Lung Cancer

          The health problems posed by tobacco smoking are surely no secret to anyone these days. What probably isn't so well known is that tea may help guard against lung cancer.


       6. Cholesterol

          There are no shortage of claims for the many potential health benefits drinking tea can provide, including the possibility that it may lower your cholesterol level.


       7. Osteoporosis

          For tea drinkers, there may be benefits related to osteoporosis, according to a number of research studies.


       8. Parkinson's Disease

          For Parkinson's sufferers, the possibility that tea may help fight the disease can only come as welcome news.


       9. health, medical Prostate Cancer

          It's probably fair to conclude that drinking a couple cups of tea a day is not a bad way to help guard against prostate cancer.


      10. Stress

          Tea might possess qualities that help reduce stress and aid in relaxation.


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