
What's the best New Jersey beach to learn how to surf? I'm a beginner looking for small consistent waves.

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I'm a newbie learning to surf in New Jersey and I want to find a place with small and consistent waves perfect for a beginner. Are there any good beginner surf beaches in North or South Jersey Shore?




  1. I'd ask some local surf shops in the area.

    No place is going to be consistent since waves are caused by winds/storms.

    Here's a great article called 'Learn How To Surf in One Day' that I always recommend to beginners:

    Good luck!

  2. Probably Sea Bright, or Sandy Hook.

    EDIT: Sorry, North Jersey, not really... South Jersey, Wildwood Crest.

  3. sandy hook

  4. There are no consistent breaks anywhere in the world. I have seen some the world's most famous breaks as flat as lake Michigan. However, you probably want to stay away from the more crowed breaks, regardless of the conditions. New Jersey is full of "surf-only' beaches, which severely limits the places a newbie can go and not be a pain in the *** to everybody else. In south Jersey, I would say look at Sea Isle City. 1- I don't often surf there, so you won't be in my way, 2 - on a good day there are decent ridable breaks the whole length of the island and 3- the City has multiple surfing beaches, so you can ride the length of Town, looking for the least crowded surf beach. Unfortunately, New Jersey waves tend to be small all summer, and they really don't get good until the fall, but they can make for some great beginner waves.

    Stop in a surf shop and check out some lessons, and it can be worth it. If you will be anywhere from Atlantic City to Cape may, I hope to see you in the water.

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