
What's the best Nvidia Video Card out there?

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I was checking out the products on the Nvidia website but I got confused about which one is the best because I'm thinking of buying one but I wanna buy the best one so that I don't regret purchasing one later.Which one would you advise me to get?




  1. the best video card is the GTX 280 however i would rather hav a 9800 GX2 its almost as good and wont use as much power, you definetly wont regret buying it later. plus as more games come out more of them will probably start to take more advantage of video cards with dual cores. what card you want really depends on what you plan to do wit it. the GTX 280 and 9800 GX2 are for people who want to be able to play all their games on highest settings but if you just play demanding games and are content with settleing for medium to high settings go with the 8800 GS or GT. and then there is the 9500 and 8600 with a little less performance.

  2. What do you plan to use it for?

    I just got the 9500 with 512 on it and LOVE IT. Plus it did not cost much

    There is also great reviews on the 9600 and even better on 9800

    All are fairly reasonable priced.

    The one mentioned by the other poster is the newest and most expensive.

    I would NOT go with the 8800 It throws a Lot of heat.

    and the 8500 to 8700 are supposed to have some bugs.

    Which is why i went with the 9500. Mainly it was a really nice card according to research i done and it was really great price mine has 512 MB on it and plays games great on highest settings.

    Just be Sure whatever card you upgrade to that you are Sure to upgrade the Power supply

    for the 9500 they recommended a 450 to 500 watt power supply and if set up in SLI to go with a 650 watt.

    If you forget to use the right power supply you can kill a whole system in short time.

    All together I paid 150 and got both the VC and PS.

    New Egg gives great sales As does Tiger Direct

    You can read reviews on line at both those places

    Also check out Toms Hardware site they do reviews too

  3. go for GTX 280... you wont regret it

  4. If you want something for gaming I would recommend an 8800gt Overclocked or something for heavy design work a 9800gx2 but the fastest card out there is a gtx 280

    Or if you want something just for windows aero or basic stuff go for a 8600gt

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